turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Bypass or deactivate i18n response filter once installed #333

Open macote opened 7 years ago

macote commented 7 years ago

I'm using i18n with OWIN middleware and it is configured with i18n.UrlLocalizationScheme set to Void.

I'm having an issue in some cases where specific controller actions are used to download binaries. For those cases, I'm faced with two possibilities:

The problem with the UrlsToExcludeFromProcessing solution is that there are multiple controller actions and it is not simple to manage. Also, the need to exclude a specific action path URL could be conditionaly based on some logic determined inside the controller action.

It is quite easy to remove the response filter by setting the Response.Filter to null inside a controller action and this is what I'm doing currently:

    if (this.HttpContext.Response.Filter is i18n.ResponseFilter)
        // Remove i18n filter since a file doesn't need to be translated.
        this.HttpContext.Response.Filter = null;

Unfortunately, the i18n response filter might be wrapped by another filter at that point. In that case, it is not possible to determine if a i18n filter is installed.

Is there something I missed that I could do besides those two possibilities? If not, I propose to add some code to i18n to allow bypassing or deactivating the i18n filter. One way to accomplish this would be to add a 'Bypass' property to the ResponseFilter class and store a reference of the filter somewhere like for example the OWIN context. If 'Bypass' is true, use a logic similar to the one used when a stream is compressed.

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

Have you looked at i18n.LocalizedApplication.Current.ContentTypesToLocalize setting?

The default setting for this property should effect a bypass of the ResponseFilter if your binary download responses' Content-Type header is set to something like application/octet-stream.

macote commented 7 years ago

The ContentTypesToLocalize check performed by the OWIN middleware is done before the MVC handler gets executed. At that time, the Response.ContentType is text/html, which I think is the default value.

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

I see. Are you able to investigate possibility of shunting i18n's hook into the OWIN pipeline until AFTER the MVC handler? That would then accord more with what we're doing with normal ASP.NET.

macote commented 7 years ago

I did a bit more researching and testing and I concluded that i18n's OWIN implementation cannot replace at 100 % the behavior of the normal ASP.NET implementation since there's no way using Katana's OWIN to execute something after the request handler gets executed.

This means that the EntityLocalizationMiddleware can only do its job partially (URL exclusion), and the only way that I can think of to make it work 100 % is to drop that middleware and call the response filter installer logic like the way the normal ASP.NET implementation does it, but using Global.asax.

Until we have a new ASP.NET Core version of i18n that works 100 % using middleware, I propose some changes to the current OWIN implementation:

I tested these changes and it seems to be working just fine. I can try to prepare a pull request, but I don't have VS2012/2013 and I might encounter some issues because of that during the process.

macote commented 7 years ago

I created macote/i18n@9d07290aa4.

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

Looks good. I'm happy to merge that. Can you issue a PR please?

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

Perhaps the InstallResponseFilter would be better as a static method on LocalizedApplication?

Does it make sense for it to be an extension method off of the context?

macote commented 7 years ago

I agree, this can be improved. Let me revise the code and I'll issue a PR.

macote commented 7 years ago

I created #334 . Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
