turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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"Localization of outgoing URIs" feature issue for relative paths #377

Closed pheurteladding closed 5 years ago

pheurteladding commented 5 years ago


I hope your summer is going well. I encounter an issue when performing localization of relative paths. In my razor CSHTML page i have the html: <a class="c-link c-link--chevron u-color-secondary" href="Help#faq">[[[Toutes nos questions fréquentes]]]</a> and this is precessed into: <a class="c-link c-link--chevron u-color-secondary" href="/fr/Help#exemples">Toutes nos questions fréquentes</a> instead of <a class="c-link c-link--chevron u-color-secondary" href="Help#exemples">Toutes nos questions fréquentes</a> Relative paths (not starting with '/' char) should not be processed.

And thank you again for your work!

turquoiseowl commented 5 years ago

Summer's not going too bad thanks.

What's the URL for the request in question? If it doesn't end with a forward slah can you try with the forward slash to see if that makes a difference.

i18n SHOULD convert unrooted URLs into rooted (and relative) ones prefixed with the current langtag.

More info here #286

pheurteladding commented 5 years ago


Fially I used MVC rooting (via @Url.Action() ) to bypass the problem. The problem was proably due to the unrooted conversion feature. Anyway thank you for your quick reply :-)