tursodatabase / libsql-shell-go

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Block comments with semicolon + NL don't work when pasted into interactive shell #133

Closed CodingDoug closed 11 months ago

CodingDoug commented 1 year ago

Paste the following into the shell, and it works OK:

select 1;

And this works OK:

/* comment; */ select 1;

However, this does not work (note the semicolon and newline within the block comment):

select 1;


Error: failed to execute SQL: */
select 1;
near STAR, "None": syntax error at (1, 2)

However, the same SQL above does work if the text is placed in a file and redirected to stdin:

# test.sql contains the same SQL as above
$ turso db shell my-db < test.sql

The practical use case is using a block comments to remove bits of SQL from a script, then copy/pasting that script into the shell.

See also #135