tursodatabase / libsql-shell-go

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Errors with input from multiple statements coming from stdin, .read, or CLI arg are unhelpful #148

Open CodingDoug opened 11 months ago

CodingDoug commented 11 months ago

The observations here apply to input from all of these sources (not interactive commands):

When a single statement is provided, the error message is helpful. For input select;, the error message is descriptive:

Error: failed to execute SQL: select; SQL string could not be parsed: unexpected end of input at (1, 7)

However, when multiple statements are provided, the error message is not helpful. For input select; select:

Error: failed to execute SQL: select; select

Note that there are no diagnostics attached to the result.

The sqlite3 shell gives more usable output:

Parse error near line 1: near ";": syntax error
  select; select
        ^--- error here

Also problematic is the fact that the entire input is printed in the error message. If you use a lengthy SQL script as input, and there is an error anywhere during its execution, the output contains the entire script contents as above, with nothing indicating the problem. This makes long scripts extremely difficult to debug.