tursodatabase / libsql

libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions.
MIT License
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illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) sqld #1760

Open fer0li opened 4 hours ago

fer0li commented 4 hours ago

sqld command output:

           _     _
 ___  __ _| | __| |
/ __|/ _` | |/ _` |
\__ \ (_| | | (_| |
|___/\__, |_|\__,_|

Welcome to sqld!

version: 0.24.18
build date: 1980-01-01

This software is in BETA version.
If you encounter any bug, please open an issue at https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql/issues

        - mode: standalone
        - database path: data.sqld
        - extensions path: <disabled>
        - listening for HTTP requests on:
        - grpc_tls: no
2024-09-29T00:41:31.855805Z  INFO sqld: listening for incoming user HTTP connection on
2024-09-29T00:41:31.857001Z  INFO libsql_server: using sqlite3 wal
[1]    26183 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped)  sqld

dmesg command output:

[ 1491.508287] traps: sqld[26183] trap invalid opcode ip:5ec1ad181dc5 sp:7fff999fdb40 error:0 in sqld[1199dc5,5ec1ac170000+1352000]

uname -a command output:

Linux genesis 6.10.9-zen1 #1-NixOS ZEN SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jan  1 00:00:00 UTC 1980 x86_64 GNU/Linux