➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ turso db create --from-dump foo
Error: could not open file foo: open foo: no such file or directory
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ sqlite3 foo "create table a(a)"
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ turso db create --from-dump foo
Error: invalid dump file: you're trying to use a SQLite database file as a dump. Use the --from-db flag instead of --from-dump
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ echo "not a dump" > foo.dump
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ turso db create --from-dump foo.dump
Error: invalid dump file: file doens't look like a dump: first line should be 'PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;'
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ sqlite3 foo .dump > foo.dump
➜ turso-cli git:(main) ✗ turso db create --from-dump foo.dump
Uploaded data in 1 seconds.
Created database able-blackout at group local in 3.219s.
Start an interactive SQL shell with:
turso db shell able-blackout
To see information about the database, including a connection URL, run:
turso db show able-blackout
To get an authentication token for the database, run:
turso db tokens create able-blackout
Motivation: today uploading an incorrect dump fails silently.
Motivation: today uploading an incorrect dump fails silently.