turtl / tracker

This project is for tracking issues, bug reports, and progress on the entire Turtl project.
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Right-to-left rendering problem #385

Open bateni opened 3 years ago

bateni commented 3 years ago

Bullets and numbered lists do not show properly with RTL text (Arabic, Hebrew and Persian).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a new "text note"
  2. Write RTL text prefixed with dash (to get bullet) or number 1

Expected behavior: The list items should be aligned to the right. Current behavior: The list items are aligned to the left and the bullet is not visible.

Verified on the Android app and on Linux. The edit mode shows okay but the rendered note is incorrect.

Edit mode

Screenshot from 2020-12-04 22-29-02

Everything looks fine here.

Summary view

Screenshot from 2020-12-04 22-28-38

In this mode, bullets and numbers are not visible.

Wide view mode

Screenshot from 2020-12-04 22-28-18

In this mode, the bullet (and numbers, not in this test case) show at the right edge of the note but the text is left aligned.