turtl / tracker

This project is for tracking issues, bug reports, and progress on the entire Turtl project.
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Turtl App Not Available For Download on Devices Running Android 13+ Due To Obsolete API Target #425

Open wakearray opened 8 months ago

wakearray commented 8 months ago

Expected Behavior

In the Google Play Store, users with devices running Android 13 should be able to download and install the Turtl app.

Actual Behavior

Currently, the Turtl app cannot be downloaded or installed from the Google Play Store on devices running Android 13 due to the Play Store's policy changes that were implemented in November 2022. The app's API target is set to a version older than two years from the latest Android release, so it's not available for these new Android versions.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Open the Google Play Store on a device running Android 13.
  2. Search for the Turtl app.
  3. Notice that the Turtl app is not available for download or installation and includes a warning stating "This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android."

Steps to Fix the Problem

This section was written by GPT-4 without seeing the codebase

  1. Update the environment to the latest versions of Apache Cordova Android platform and Cordova CLI if not already done.
  2. In the config.xml file, set the android-targetSdkVersion to the latest Android API level (33 or higher since this is Android 13).
  3. Make sure the app complies with any changes or deprecations in the new API level.
  4. Test the app on the new API level to ensure compatibility.
  5. Once the app is working as expected, build the Android app for production (cordova build android --release).
  6. Once the APK file is generated, sign and optimize it for the Google Play Store.
  7. Upload the updated APK to the Google Play Store and set it to replace the previous version.


Additional Notes

This only affects downloading from the Google Play Store. F-Droid and manual installations work as expected. For people using Google's Advanced Protection Program, installing from unknown sources (like F-Droid or a browser download) are not possible. You can only download from the Play Store or manually install using ADB from a computer.