The expected behavior is for the Gazebo simulator to launch successfully, displaying the simulation environment with the Turtlebot 4 robot model loaded, without encountering any error messages related to invalid services or busy servers.
Actual behaviour
The actual behavior is encountering a black window in Gazebo, along with an error message indicating that the service [/gazebo/world] is not valid. After a few minutes, another message indicates that the server may be busy downloading resources, advising patience.
Error messages
When I run the simulator with the default setting "ros2 launch turtlebot4_ignition_bringup", I encounter a black window in Gazebo and in the terminal I see the error message:
Requesting list of world names. Service [/gazebo/world] is not valid."
After a few minutes, I receive the message:
[ruby $(which ign) gazebo-1] [Dbg] [] GUI requesting list of world names. The server may be busy downloading resources. Please be patient.
To Reproduce
Open a terminal window.
Run the command: ros2 launch turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
Robot Model
Turtlebot4 Standard
ROS distro
Networking Configuration
Simple Discovery
Ubuntu 22.04
Built from source or installed?
Package version
sudo apt install ros-humble-turtlebot4-simulator
Expected behaviour
The expected behavior is for the Gazebo simulator to launch successfully, displaying the simulation environment with the Turtlebot 4 robot model loaded, without encountering any error messages related to invalid services or busy servers.
Actual behaviour
The actual behavior is encountering a black window in Gazebo, along with an error message indicating that the service [/gazebo/world] is not valid. After a few minutes, another message indicates that the server may be busy downloading resources, advising patience.
Error messages
To Reproduce
ros2 launch turtlebot4_ignition_bringup
.Other notes
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