turtlebot / turtlebot4

Turtlebot4 common packages.
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Invalid frame ID "wheel_drop_right" passed to canTransform argument source_frame - frame does not exist #103

Closed rgariepy closed 1 year ago

rgariepy commented 1 year ago

Please provide the following information:

To Reproduce

  1. Turn on TBT4 Standard, wait for bringup
  2. Run ros2 launch turtlebot4_viz view_model.launch.py

Or, run view_frames and note lack of frames

Other notes iRobot firmware version is G.4.1 Can view other Create3 topics (ex. /hazard_detection) and RasPi topics (ex. /scan) from the computer in question On home wifi with no fancy filtering going on

Full topic list: /battery_state /cmd_audio /cmd_lightring /cmd_vel /color/preview/camera_info /color/preview/image /diagnostics /diagnostics_agg /diagnostics_toplevel_state /dock /hazard_detection /hmi/buttons /hmi/display /hmi/display/message /hmi/led /imu /interface_buttons /ip /ir_intensity /ir_opcode /joint_states /joy /joy/set_feedback /kidnap_status /mobility_monitor/transition_event /mouse /odom /parameter_events /robot_description /robot_state/transition_event /rosout /scan /slip_status /static_transform/transition_event /stereo/camera_info /stereo/depth /stop_status /tf /tf_static /wheel_status /wheel_ticks /wheel_vels

rgariepy commented 1 year ago

frames.pdf TF tree

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

This looks like the same issue as https://github.com/iRobotEducation/create3_sim/issues/125. It's been stale for a while so I will ask iRobot to look into it again.

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

The issue has been fixed in humble, likely won't backport to galactic as it is EOL.

The issue was basically that those links are connected to prismatic joints in the URDF and the robot_state_publisher does not publish static tf's for those joints. The fix is just adding a static transform publisher.

rgariepy commented 1 year ago

Can the precise instructions be added to the tutorials? Perhaps here? https://turtlebot.github.io/turtlebot4-user-manual/troubleshooting/faq.html

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

The static transform publishers were added to the description launch, so there won't be anything for the user to do in Humble. I can add it to the FAQ for galactic though.

redchillipadi commented 1 year ago

I am also tracking this down, I think the relevant commit is 7f6d8f0 and static transform commands are listed in https://github.com/iRobotEducation/create3_sim/issues/125