turtlebot / turtlebot4

Turtlebot4 common packages.
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topics not publishing #256

Closed sdobbelaere closed 1 year ago

sdobbelaere commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm struggling to get the topics list.

Please provide the following information:

To Reproduce Provide the steps to reproduce:

  1. setup Wifi via ssh on turtlebot4
  2. connect to wifi on create3
  3. setup ros2-humble-turtlebot4-desktop
  4. export the variables, and find the IP
    source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp
    export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0
    ros2 topic echo /ip

Other notes Not sure what I'm missing. Would love some help :) Obviously I managed to get the IP from the screen on the turtlebot. But running ros2 topic list yields the same poor result:


In create3, I tried both with rmw_fastrtps_cpp and rmw_cyclonedds_cpp but the end result is the same.

Screenshot 2023-09-02 at 20 25 34

files / data sources via bashrc:

$ cat /etc/turtlebot4/setup.bash 
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp

export CYCLONEDDS_URI=/etc/turtlebot4/cyclonedds_pc.xml

$ cat /etc/turtlebot4/cyclonedds_pc.xml

Thank you!

sdobbelaere commented 1 year ago

Ok. After trying out a number of variations on the discovery server approach I finally managed to get the topics by directly setting the robots as discovery server.

One more factory reset and re-flash later. I found the virtual machine I'm running on the laptop to be the problem. I'm on OSX, using Parallels - and the only way I got any topics to publish with the simple discovery setup was by manually setting a bridge on the wifi rather then on the default connection.

See screenshot for what worked.

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 10 33 49