turtlebot / turtlebot4

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turtlebot4 setup/networking #413

Open knickels opened 1 month ago

knickels commented 1 month ago

Robot Model

Turtlebot4 Standard

ROS distro


Networking Configuration

Discovery Server


Ubuntu 22.04

Built from source or installed?


Package version

1.0.3-1jammy.20240118.171148 (used ros-humble-turtlebot4-setup)

Type of issue


Expected behaviour

ros2 topic list on user pc matches ros2 topic list on raspi

Actual behaviour

ubuntu@turtlebot4:~$` ros2 topic list


$ ros2 topic list

Error messages

No response

To Reproduce

Perform discovery server steps from the user manual

Other notes

This is on a LattePanda, but I got same behavior with a standard PC, but that was on a different subnet.

ip route does show the expected route:

$ ip route via dev wlo1 

I tried simple discovery first, got this same result, then ran through the steps for discovery server.

Thanks for any help/guidance y'all can give!

smatarCPR commented 1 month ago

Hello @knickels , Thank you for reaching out on the Turtlebot 4 Github page. Do the topics appear if you the list command a second time?

If not, check that:

  1. You are able to ping and SSH into the turtlebot from the computer
  2. Double check that you have sourced your bashrc file source ~/.bashrc
  3. Restart the ROS 2 Daemon - ros2 daemon stop; ros2 daemon start

Let me know how these suggestions work for you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Saif

knickels commented 1 month ago

Hello @smatarCPR, thanks for the help. No, I can call ros2 topic list multiple times without success.

  1. yes, yes
  2. yes
  3. Hm, the ros2 daemon wasn't running on my user PC - when I did this it told me The daemon is not running. Then, the full topics list appeared after this step!

Do I need to set the daemon to auto-start somehow?

smatarCPR commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @knickels , Apologies for the late reply on this. Typically when running commands such as ros2 topic list this will trigger the ros2 daemon to start.

Most likely what occurred was after changing the settings to use discovery server from simple discovery, the terminal session did not restart, so it was still using the old settings hence why it was unable to view the topics.

Are you otherwise now able to view the topics?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Saif

knickels commented 2 weeks ago

No, I went on to other stuff.
I had it briefly working with Fast DDS with static discovery a few weeks ago, but the same setup doesn't seem to be working today. Not sure what working state didn't make it into my setup script :(

I need to move my user pc back and forth between discovery server (for turtlebot stuff) and simple discovery (for other ros work). I thought it was as simple as setting and clearing FASTRTPS_DEFAULT_PROFILES_FILE environment variable, which (when set) points FastRTPS to

$ cat fastdds_discovery_static.xml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <profiles xmlns="http://www.eprosima.com/XMLSchemas/fastRTPS_Profiles">
        <participant profile_name="super_client_profile" is_default="true">
                        <address>131.xxx</address> <!-- ip of turtlebot -->
                        <address>131.yyy</address> <!-- ip of user pc -->
smatarCPR commented 5 days ago

Hello @knickels , When switching from discovery server to simple discovery are resourcing your setup.bash file?

When setting up the two communication methods, two folders are created in /etc/ros/ one for simple discovery, and one for discovery server.

In your ~/.bashrc have two lines: One sourcing the simple discovery source /etc/turtlebot4/setup.bash and one sourcing discovery server source /etc/turtlebot4_discovery/setup.bash

Comment out the line you will not be using. When making the switch, edit your bashrc file, commenting out the version you will not use. Save, then restart the terminal you should make the full switch.

Let me know how this recommendation works for you. Best Regards, Saif

knickels commented 2 days ago

Yes, I am. Here are some logs. ROS2 is my desktop. First, on the TB I get as expected.

ubuntu@turtlebot4:~$ ros2 topic list
ubuntu@turtlebot4:~$ env | grep ROS

Then on my desktop:

 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash 
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 daemon start
The daemon has been started
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ env | grep ROS
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 topic list
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ping turtlebot4
PING turtlebot4.trinity.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from turtlebot4.trinity.local ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=2.07 ms
64 bytes from turtlebot4.trinity.local ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=2.31 ms
--- turtlebot4.trinity.local ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.073/2.192/2.311/0.119 ms
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ source /etc/turtlebot4_discovery/setup.bash 
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 daemon stop
The daemon has been stopped
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 daemon start
The daemon has been started
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 topic list
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ env | grep ROS
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
knickels commented 2 days ago

Hmm, I stumbled upon this useful example: https://docs.vulcanexus.org/en/latest/rst/tutorials/core/qos/initial_peers/initial_peers.html.

I think I'm on the right track here - by following this, I was able to get a basic talker/listener going, but ros2 topic list still doesn't come over. Interestingly, I can listen to a talker demo but not list info on the /chatter topic.

$ ros2 run demo_nodes_py listener
[INFO] [1719608642.704603891] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 0]
[INFO] [1719608643.631987608] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 1]
[INFO] [1719608644.630042692] [listener]: I heard: [Hello World: 2]
^C knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 topic list
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  
$ ros2 topic info /chatter
Unknown topic '/chatter'
 knickels at ROS2 in ~  