turtlebot / turtlebot4

Turtlebot4 common packages.
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Help with error in navigation. (Smoother server and localization server sometimes giving trouble when trying to launch navigation) #416

Open alexdo105 opened 1 month ago

alexdo105 commented 1 month ago

Robot Model

Turtlebot4 Standard

ROS distro


Networking Configuration

Discovery Server


Ubuntu 22.04

Built from source or installed?


Package version

Newer one

Type of issue


Expected behaviour

I expect the robot to launch everytime without trouble localization and nav2 launch file...

Actual behaviour

Sometimes, I can launch without trouble localization and nav2, but sometimes, I get an error showing timeouts in the smoother server (in the case of nav2), and in localization I get another server error.

Error messages

[smoother_server-2] [WARN] [1700600845.157126823] [smoother_server.rclcpp]: failed to send response to /smoother_server/change_state (timeout): client will not receive response, at ./src/rmw_response.cpp:154, at ./src/rcl/service.c:314

To Reproduce

Run localization Run Nav2

Other notes

This kind of error did not happen when I had the turtlebot4 in simple discovery, but some other errors happened did happen really often, which involved network connection issues from the iCreate3 base. That is why I changed to discovery server. This setting helps the communication by making it faster and more reliable, but I often get the error shown above, and to fix it I just reboot the robot several times until it works again, sometimes I do not require to do this because it works seamlessly the first time. This behavior brings inconsistency and uncertainty to my project, and that is why I would appreciate a lot if you can show me how to fix it or explain to me why does this happen. An important note is that I always connect via ssh to the robot and launch everything here, which is why I think my computer has not anything to do with the error. I am not that much of a ROS2 expert, which is why I require your help. Thanks a lot btw.

RustyCPR commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there @alexdo105 Can you please provide full terminal outputs of what you are running. Also please provide journalctl -b > turtlebot4_log.txt

Thanks, Rusty