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Turtlebot4 common packages.
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No depth data obtained on oakd/stereo topics turtlebot4 lite #418

Open prachitgupta opened 4 weeks ago

prachitgupta commented 4 weeks ago

Robot Model

Turtlebot4 Lite

ROS distro


Networking Configuration

Discovery Server


Ubuntu 22.04

Built from source or installed?


Package version

Version: 1.0.0-1jammy.20230228.211027 package turtlebot4_bringup installed from source rest installed as usual

Type of issue


Expected behaviour

get data on /oakd/stereo/image_raw/compressedDepth or any other oakd/stereo topics

Actual behaviour

no stereo topics seen by default on manually editing the configuration files of turtlebot4_bringup build from source getting oakd/stereo topics but no data is bieng published on them

Error messages

no error message , no data is being published

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 topic list

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 topic echo /oakd/stereo/image_raw/compressedDepth

To Reproduce

using humble H.2.5 on create 3 , configured discovery server on rpi with turtlebot4 packages preinstalled with the flashed image source installation and changing ros workspace settings to configure custom turtlebot4 package

Clone, source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash and build turtlebot4_robot package

Modify the oakd_pro.yaml (or oakd_lite.yaml for Turtlebot 4 Lite) file to enable the stereo topic, see examples of different config files here: https://github.com/luxonis/depthai-ros/tree/humble/depthai_ros_driver/config

Link to your custom workspace using the turtlebot4-setup tool: run turtlebot4-setup navigate to ROS Setup -> Bash Setup select WORKSPACE_SETUP enter the path to your local setup.bash for your workspace. This will allow the turtlebot4 setup tool to locate and source these packages. e.g. /home/administrator/ros_ws/install/setup.bash

Reinstall the turtlebot4 service using the turtlebot4-setup tool under Robot Upstart -> Install. run turtlebot4-setup navigate to ROS Setup -> Robot Upstart select Install and agree as necessary

oakd_lite.yaml file configurations

/oakd: ros__parameters: camera: i_enable_imu: true i_enable_ir: true i_nn_type: none i_pipeline_type: RGBD # Change to RGBD to enable depth i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS rgb: i_board_socket_id: 0 i_fps: 30.0 i_height: 720 i_interleaved: false i_max_q_size: 10 i_preview_size: 250 i_enable_preview: true i_low_bandwidth: true i_keep_preview_aspect_ratio: true i_publish_topic: false i_resolution: '1080' i_width: 1280 stereo: i_board_socket_id: 1 i_fps: 30.0 i_height: 480 i_width: 640 i_depth_align: true i_subpixel: true i_lr_check: true i_extended: false i_confidence_threshold: 200 i_left_right_check_threshold: 5 i_enable_preview: true i_publish_topic: true use_sim_time: false

also tried : /oak: ros__parameters: camera: i_nn_type: none i_pipeline_type: Depth right: i_publish_topic: true stereo: i_extended_disp: true

Other notes

ignoring the steps I have taken , please help me getting depth data from turtlebot4 lite in general completely new to working with this bot and urgent;y need depth data for my research project

RustyCPR commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @prachitgupta I see you installed some of the initial packages from source.

  1. Can you please detail what was modified and the hash version? 
  2. Please share your manually edited files. 
  3. Stop ros service by running - sudo systemctl stop turtlebot4.service
  4. Manually run the oak-d node and share the output?

Thanks, Rusty

prachitgupta commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the response 1) so I modified the config files turtlebot4_bringup package to enable the stereo node and changed the path of the workspace for the turtlebot4 service to build from while booting up to my local source installation. 2) the files I edited were oakd_lite.yaml to enable stereo mode and oakd.launch (changed camera default model from pro to lite posted as attachment


      i_enable_imu: true
      i_enable_ir: true
      i_nn_type: none
      i_pipeline_type: RGBD # Change to RGBD to enable depth
      i_usb_speed: SUPER_PLUS
      i_board_socket_id: 0
      i_fps: 30.0
      i_height: 720
      i_interleaved: false
      i_max_q_size: 10
      i_preview_size: 250
      i_enable_preview: true
      i_low_bandwidth: true
      i_keep_preview_aspect_ratio: true
      i_publish_topic: false
      i_resolution: '1080'
      i_width: 1280
      i_board_socket_id: 1
      i_fps: 30.0
      i_height: 480
      i_width: 640
      i_depth_align: true
      i_subpixel: true
      i_lr_check: true
      i_extended: false
      i_confidence_threshold: 200
      i_left_right_check_threshold: 5
      i_enable_preview: true
      i_publish_topic: true
    use_sim_time: false


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2021 Clearpath Robotics, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @author Roni Kreinin (rkreinin@clearpathrobotics.com)

from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory

from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration, PathJoinSubstitution
from launch_ros.actions import ComposableNodeContainer
from launch_ros.descriptions import ComposableNode

from nav2_common.launch import RewrittenYaml

def generate_launch_description():
    pkg_turtlebot4_bringup = get_package_share_directory('turtlebot4_bringup')

    camera = LaunchConfiguration('camera')
    params_file = LaunchConfiguration('params_file')
    namespace = LaunchConfiguration('namespace')

        DeclareLaunchArgument('camera', default_value='oakd_lite'),
                                [pkg_turtlebot4_bringup, 'config', camera]), '.yaml']),
        DeclareLaunchArgument('namespace', default_value='',
                              description='Robot namespace')

    namespaced_param_file = RewrittenYaml(

    node = ComposableNodeContainer(

    ld = LaunchDescription(ARGUMENTS)
    return ld

here's the output of ros2 launch turtlebot4_bringup oakd.launch.py

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/2024-06-17-13-24-40-594365-ubuntu-1681
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [component_container-1]: process started with pid [1694]
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630682.886451880] [oakd_container]: Load Library: /opt/ros/humble/lib/libdepthai_ros_driver.so
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630684.381246145] [oakd_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<depthai_ros_driver::Camera>
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630684.381470602] [oakd_container]: Instantiate class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<depthai_ros_driver::Camera>
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630684.448653938] [oakd]: No ip/mxid specified, connecting to the next available device.
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.168663093] [oakd]: Camera with MXID: 19443010C1F73C1200 and Name: 1.1.2 connected!
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.170477487] [oakd]: USB SPEED: SUPER
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.199171366] [oakd]: Device type: OAK-D-LITE
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.203198420] [oakd]: Pipeline type: RGBD
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.265120070] [oakd]: Finished setting up pipeline.
[component_container-1] [19443010C1F73C1200] [1.1.2] [0.969] [MonoCamera(6)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
[component_container-1] [19443010C1F73C1200] [1.1.2] [0.971] [MonoCamera(4)] [error] OV7251 only supports THE_480_P/THE_400_P resolutions, defaulting to THE_480_P
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1718630687.785046729] [oakd]: Camera ready!
[INFO] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Loaded node '/oakd' in container '/oakd_container'
[component_container-1] [19443010C1F73C1200] [1.1.2] [2.079] [IMU(9)] [critical] IMU driver failed with error code 1. Your board likely doesn't have IMU!
RustyCPR commented 4 days ago

Hi @prachitgupta Can you update the two imu and ir parameters in the oakd_lite.yaml to false, save and retest?

      i_enable_imu: false
      i_enable_ir: false

Regards, Rusty