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Nav2 Path Issue #445

Closed sammahmeterdogan closed 1 week ago

sammahmeterdogan commented 1 month ago

Robot Model

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ROS distro


Networking Configuration

Simple Discovery


Ubuntu 22.04

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Type of issue

Navigation (SLAM, Nav2 etc.)

Expected behaviour

Hi, I'm using ROS 2 Humble and I'm mapping with the Slamtec S2 Lidar. I want to use a path in the map I generated, but whenever I run ros2 launch nav2_bringup navigation_launch.py, I keep getting the following error spam.

Screenshot from 2024-07-22 15-05-02

Actual behaviour

ros2 launch nav2_bringup navigation_launch.py

Error messages

[planner_server-3] [INFO] [1721648232.173436474] [global_costmap.global_costmap]: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'laser' at time 1721648231.773 for reason 'the timestamp on the message is earlier than all the data in the transform cache'

To Reproduce

thats my nav2_params file amcl: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: false alpha1: 0.2 alpha2: 0.2 alpha3: 0.2 alpha4: 0.2 alpha5: 0.2 base_frame_id: "base_footprint" beam_skip_distance: 0.5 beam_skip_error_threshold: 0.9 beam_skip_threshold: 0.3 do_beamskip: false global_frame_id: "map" lambda_short: 0.1 laser_likelihood_max_dist: 2.0 laser_max_range: 100.0 laser_min_range: -1.0 laser_model_type: "likelihood_field" max_beams: 60 max_particles: 2000 min_particles: 500 odom_frame_id: "odom" pf_err: 0.05 pf_z: 0.99 recovery_alpha_fast: 0.0 recovery_alpha_slow: 0.0 resample_interval: 1 robot_model_type: "nav2_amcl::DifferentialMotionModel" save_pose_rate: 0.5 sigma_hit: 0.2 tf_broadcast: true transform_tolerance: 0.5 update_min_a: 0.2 update_min_d: 0.25 z_hit: 0.5 z_max: 0.05 z_rand: 0.5 z_short: 0.05 scan_topic: scan

bt_navigator: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: false global_frame: map robot_base_frame: base_link odom_topic: /odom bt_loop_duration: 10 default_server_timeout: 20

'default_nav_through_poses_bt_xml' and 'default_nav_to_pose_bt_xml' are use defaults:

# nav2_bt_navigator/navigate_to_pose_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml
# nav2_bt_navigator/navigate_through_poses_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml
# They can be set here or via a RewrittenYaml remap from a parent launch file to Nav2.
  - nav2_compute_path_to_pose_action_bt_node
  - nav2_compute_path_through_poses_action_bt_node
  - nav2_smooth_path_action_bt_node
  - nav2_follow_path_action_bt_node
  - nav2_spin_action_bt_node
  - nav2_wait_action_bt_node
  - nav2_assisted_teleop_action_bt_node
  - nav2_back_up_action_bt_node
  - nav2_drive_on_heading_bt_node
  - nav2_clear_costmap_service_bt_node
  - nav2_is_stuck_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_goal_reached_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_goal_updated_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_globally_updated_goal_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_is_path_valid_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_initial_pose_received_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_reinitialize_global_localization_service_bt_node
  - nav2_rate_controller_bt_node
  - nav2_distance_controller_bt_node
  - nav2_speed_controller_bt_node
  - nav2_truncate_path_action_bt_node
  - nav2_truncate_path_local_action_bt_node
  - nav2_goal_updater_node_bt_node
  - nav2_recovery_node_bt_node
  - nav2_pipeline_sequence_bt_node
  - nav2_round_robin_node_bt_node
  - nav2_transform_available_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_time_expired_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_path_expiring_timer_condition
  - nav2_distance_traveled_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_single_trigger_bt_node
  - nav2_goal_updated_controller_bt_node
  - nav2_is_battery_low_condition_bt_node
  - nav2_navigate_through_poses_action_bt_node
  - nav2_navigate_to_pose_action_bt_node
  - nav2_remove_passed_goals_action_bt_node
  - nav2_planner_selector_bt_node
  - nav2_controller_selector_bt_node
  - nav2_goal_checker_selector_bt_node
  - nav2_controller_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_path_longer_on_approach_bt_node
  - nav2_wait_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_spin_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_back_up_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_assisted_teleop_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_drive_on_heading_cancel_bt_node
  - nav2_is_battery_charging_condition_bt_node

bt_navigator_navigate_through_poses_rclcpp_node: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True

bt_navigator_navigate_to_pose_rclcpp_node: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True

controller_server: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True controller_frequency: 20.0 min_x_velocity_threshold: 0.001 min_y_velocity_threshold: 0.5 min_theta_velocity_threshold: 0.001 failure_tolerance: 0.3 progress_checker_plugin: "progress_checker" goal_checker_plugins: ["general_goal_checker"] # "precise_goal_checker" controller_plugins: ["FollowPath"]

# Progress checker parameters
  plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleProgressChecker"
  required_movement_radius: 0.5
  movement_time_allowance: 10.0
# Goal checker parameters
#  plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker"
#  xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25
#  yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25
#  stateful: True
  stateful: True
  plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker"
  xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25
  yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25
# DWB parameters
  plugin: "dwb_core::DWBLocalPlanner"
  debug_trajectory_details: True
  min_vel_x: 0.0
  min_vel_y: 0.0
  max_vel_x: 0.26
  max_vel_y: 0.0
  max_vel_theta: 1.0
  min_speed_xy: 0.0
  max_speed_xy: 0.26
  min_speed_theta: 0.0
  # Add high threshold velocity for turtlebot 3 issue.
  # https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations/issues/75
  acc_lim_x: 2.5
  acc_lim_y: 0.0
  acc_lim_theta: 3.2
  decel_lim_x: -2.5
  decel_lim_y: 0.0
  decel_lim_theta: -3.2
  vx_samples: 20
  vy_samples: 5
  vtheta_samples: 20
  sim_time: 1.7
  linear_granularity: 0.05
  angular_granularity: 0.025
  transform_tolerance: 0.5
  xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25
  trans_stopped_velocity: 0.25
  short_circuit_trajectory_evaluation: True
  stateful: True
  critics: ["RotateToGoal", "Oscillation", "BaseObstacle", "GoalAlign", "PathAlign", "PathDist", "GoalDist"]
  BaseObstacle.scale: 0.02
  PathAlign.scale: 32.0
  PathAlign.forward_point_distance: 0.1
  GoalAlign.scale: 24.0
  GoalAlign.forward_point_distance: 0.1
  PathDist.scale: 32.0
  GoalDist.scale: 24.0
  RotateToGoal.scale: 32.0
  RotateToGoal.slowing_factor: 5.0
  RotateToGoal.lookahead_time: -1.0

local_costmap: local_costmap: ros__parameters: update_frequency: 1.0 publish_frequency: 1.0 global_frame: odom robot_base_frame: base_link use_sim_time: True rolling_window: true width: 3 height: 3 resolution: 0.5 robot_radius: 0.22 plugins: ["voxel_layer", "inflation_layer"] inflation_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer" cost_scaling_factor: 1.0 inflation_radius: 0.55 voxel_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::VoxelLayer" enabled: True publish_voxel_map: True origin_z: 0.0 z_resolution: 0.05 z_voxels: 16 max_obstacle_height: 2.0 mark_threshold: 0 observation_sources: scan scan: topic: /scan max_obstacle_height: 2.0 clearing: True marking: True data_type: "LaserScan" raytrace_max_range: 3.0 raytrace_min_range: 0.0 obstacle_max_range: 2.5 obstacle_min_range: 0.0 static_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::StaticLayer" map_subscribe_transient_local: True always_send_full_costmap: True

global_costmap: global_costmap: ros__parameters: update_frequency: 1.0 publish_frequency: 1.0 global_frame: map robot_base_frame: base_link use_sim_time: True robot_radius: 0.22 resolution: 0.05 track_unknown_space: true plugins: ["static_layer", "obstacle_layer", "inflation_layer"] obstacle_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer" enabled: True observation_sources: scan scan: topic: /scan max_obstacle_height: 2.0 clearing: True marking: True data_type: "LaserScan" raytrace_max_range: 3.0 raytrace_min_range: 0.0 obstacle_max_range: 2.5 obstacle_min_range: 0.0 static_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::StaticLayer" map_subscribe_transient_local: True inflation_layer: plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer" cost_scaling_factor: 3.0 inflation_radius: 0.55 always_send_full_costmap: True

map_server: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True

Overridden in launch by the "map" launch configuration or provided default value.

# To use in yaml, remove the default "map" value in the tb3_simulation_launch.py file & provide full path to map below.
yaml_filename: ""

map_saver: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True save_map_timeout: 5.0 free_thresh_default: 0.25 occupied_thresh_default: 0.65 map_subscribe_transient_local: True

planner_server: ros__parameters: expected_planner_frequency: 20.0 use_sim_time: True planner_plugins: ["GridBased"] GridBased: plugin: "nav2_navfn_planner/NavfnPlanner" tolerance: 0.05 use_astar: false allow_unknown: true

smoother_server: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True smoother_plugins: ["simple_smoother"] simple_smoother: plugin: "nav2_smoother::SimpleSmoother" tolerance: 1.0e-10 max_its: 1000 do_refinement: True

behavior_server: ros__parameters: costmap_topic: local_costmap/costmap_raw footprint_topic: local_costmap/published_footprint cycle_frequency: 10.0 behavior_plugins: ["spin", "backup", "drive_on_heading", "assisted_teleop", "wait"] spin: plugin: "nav2_behaviors/Spin" backup: plugin: "nav2_behaviors/BackUp" drive_on_heading: plugin: "nav2_behaviors/DriveOnHeading" wait: plugin: "nav2_behaviors/Wait" assisted_teleop: plugin: "nav2_behaviors/AssistedTeleop" global_frame: odom robot_base_frame: base_link transform_tolerance: 0.5 use_sim_time: False simulate_ahead_time: 2.0 max_rotational_vel: 1.0 min_rotational_vel: 0.4 rotational_acc_lim: 3.2

robot_state_publisher: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True

waypoint_follower: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True loop_rate: 20 stop_on_failure: false waypoint_task_executor_plugin: "wait_at_waypoint" wait_at_waypoint: plugin: "nav2_waypoint_follower::WaitAtWaypoint" enabled: True waypoint_pause_duration: 200

velocity_smoother: ros__parameters: use_sim_time: True smoothing_frequency: 20.0 scale_velocities: False feedback: "OPEN_LOOP" max_velocity: [0.26, 0.0, 1.0] min_velocity: [-0.26, 0.0, -1.0] max_accel: [2.5, 0.0, 3.2] max_decel: [-2.5, 0.0, -3.2] odom_topic: "odom" odom_duration: 0.1 deadband_velocity: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] velocity_timeout: 1.0

Other notes

No response

smatarCPR commented 1 month ago

Hello @sammahmeterdogan , Thank you for reaching out on the Turtlebot 4 Github. I am very sorry to hear that you are having issues with one of our products.

From the error code supplied in terminal, it appears that there is a time sync issue between the raspberry pi and Create3 base unit. Have you made any modifications to the time syncing on the Create3?

One recommendation would be to do the following:

  1. Setup NTP config Create3 to time sync Create3 and RPi - see instructions in ticket #216.
  2. Setup NTP server on your remote PC on the network - see instructions here
  3. Set up the RPi to sync to that PC Run the command: systemctl status systemd-timesyncd and see when the timesync last occurred. For the Raspberry Pi, you can use systemctl status chrony to see when the last sync was and you can force a sync by restarting the chrony service. Ensure that the Raspberry Pi can ping the Ubuntu NTP servers using ping ntp.ubuntu.com

Let me know how these recommendations work for you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Saif

RustyCPR commented 1 week ago

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