It didn't work.
I got a few errors about the message size,
but it was basically just waiting.
I've seen delays of a few seconds, but even after waiting 10 minutes it still didn't work.
Additionally, a happy sound suddenly started. The cause is unknown, but it appears to reboot.
Error messages
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 action send_goal /drive_distance irobot_create_msgs/action/DriveDistance "{distance: 0.5,max_translation_speed: 0.15}"
Waiting for an action server to become available...
Sending goal:
distance: 0.5
max_translation_speed: 0.15
2024-08-02 08:41:52.524 [RTPS_READER_HISTORY Error] Change payload size of '32' bytes is larger than the history payload size of '19' bytes and cannot be resized. -> Function can_change_be_added_nts
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 action send_goal /drive_distance irobot_create_msgs/action/DriveDistance "{distance: 0.5,max_translation_speed: 0.15}"
Waiting for an action server to become available...
Sending goal:
distance: 0.5
max_translation_speed: 0.15
To Reproduce
I flashed the humble image for tb4 and updated it to the latest version along with the C3 firmware. I used the setup tool.
After that, all you have to do is run the command.
The list of topics and actions is as follows.
This ticket seems to be a Duplicate of #454 We will be closing this ticket for better tracking. If you do not believe this to be correct feel free to reopen this ticket.
Robot Model
Turtlebot4 Standard
ROS distro
Networking Configuration
Simple Discovery
Ubuntu 22.04
Built from source or installed?
Package version
H2.6 fastdds (default) usb
Type of issue
Expected behaviour
I want to use the ros2 action to perform the create3 operation.
First, I executed the following command on the command line
ros2 action send_goal /drive_distance irobot_create_msgs/action/DriveDistance "{distance: 0.5,max_translation_speed: 0.15}"
Actual behaviour
It didn't work. I got a few errors about the message size, but it was basically just waiting. I've seen delays of a few seconds, but even after waiting 10 minutes it still didn't work.
Additionally, a happy sound suddenly started. The cause is unknown, but it appears to reboot.
Error messages
To Reproduce
I flashed the humble image for tb4 and updated it to the latest version along with the C3 firmware. I used the setup tool. After that, all you have to do is run the command. The list of topics and actions is as follows.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 topic list /battery_state /cmd_vel /diagnostics /diagnostics_agg /diagnostics_toplevel_state /dock_status /function_calls /hazard_detection /hmi/buttons /hmi/display /hmi/display/message /hmi/led /imu /interface_buttons /ip /joint_states /joy /joy/set_feedback /mouse /oakd/rgb/preview/image_raw /parameter_events /robot_description /rosout /scan /tf /tf_static /wheel_status ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 node list /_internal/composite_hazard /_internal/kinematics_engine /_internal/mobility /_internal/stasis /analyzers /joint_state_publisher /joy_linux_node /launch_ros_1217 /mobility_monitor /motion_control /oakd /oakd_container /robot_state /robot_state_publisher /static_transform /system_health /teleop_twist_joy_node /turtlebot4_base_node /turtlebot4_diagnostics /turtlebot4_node /ui_mgr ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ros2 action list /dock /drive_distance /led_animation /undock /wall_follow
Other notes
No response