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Impossible to control TB4 with my PC #458

Closed ValentinLeglise closed 1 day ago

ValentinLeglise commented 1 month ago

Robot Model

Turtlebot4 Standard

ROS distro


Networking Configuration

Discovery Server


Ubuntu 22.04

Built from source or installed?


Package version

Package: ros-humble-turtlebot4-desktop Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: misc Installed-Size: 41 Maintainer: rkreinin rkreinin@clearpathrobotics.com Architecture: amd64 Version: 1.0.0-1jammy.20240730.174637 Depends: ros-humble-turtlebot4-viz, ros-humble-ros-workspace Description: Turtlebot4 Desktop Metapackage

Type of issue


Expected behaviour

Follow the setup guide: https://turtlebot.github.io/turtlebot4-user-manual/setup/basic.html. Try any network configuration (Simple discovery or discovery Server) Try to control the robot using a shell on my PC, and not SSH inside the Raspeberry. Trying to use the command: ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist \ ‘linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 1.0’

Actual behaviour

I followed the installation guide several times to be able to control my TB4 with my PC via Wifi, not by SSH inside the Rb Pi. Each time, i reflashed the SD card and factory reset the Create3.

I've tried both network configurations (Simple discovery or Discovery Server). I'm currently using Discovery Server and I can control the robot using SSH. However, in a shell on my PC, after sourcing, I can see all the topics after making ros2 topic list:

vleglise@pc-front:~$ ros2 topic list /battery_state /cliff_intensity /cmd_audio /cmd_lightring /cmd_vel /color/preview/image /diagnostics /diagnostics_agg /diagnostics_toplevel_state /dock_status /function_calls /hazard_detection /hmi/buttons /hmi/display /hmi/display/message /hmi/led /imu /interface_buttons /ip /ir_intensity /ir_opcode /joint_states /joy /joy/set_feedback /kidnap_status /mobility_monitor/transition_event /mouse /odom /parameter_events /robot_description /robot_state/transition_event /rosout /scan /slip_status /static_transform/transition_event /stereo/depth /stop_status /tf /tf_static /wheel_status /wheel_ticks /wheel_vels

This proves that i can publish messages on these topics, but when i try this command, nothing happen:

ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist \ "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 1.0"

The command loop in the shell but the robot doesn't move. I verified all wired connection and remove the battery during few minutes before reinstalling it.

What can i do ?

Error messages

No response

To Reproduce

  1. Follow guide
  2. Choose Discovery Server
  3. See all topics in User PC's shell
  4. Run ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist \ "linear: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 angular: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 1.0"

Other notes

No response

smatarCPR commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @ValentinLeglise , Thank you for reaching out on the Turtlebot 4 github page. I am very sorry to hear that you are having issues with one of our products.

A couple of questions we have regarding the current issues you are facing:

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best Regards, Saif M.

aharshac commented 1 week ago

@ValentinLeglise I have the same problem. @smatarCPR your solution does not work from the PC.

aharshac commented 1 week ago

I've tried the same motion (once front and then back) on both RPi and PC. The outputs in both cases on both devices with ros2 topic echo /cmd_vel are the same!

Case 1: teleop_twist_keyboard on rpi

Echo from rpi:

  x: 0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: -0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0

Echo from pc:

  x: 0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: -0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0

Case 2: teleop_twist_keyboard on PC

Echo from rpi:

  x: 0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: -0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0

Echo from pc:

  x: 0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: -0.5
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
  x: 0.0
  y: 0.0
  z: 0.0
aharshac commented 1 week ago

@smatarCPR Here's the response of ros2 topic info -v /cmd_vel from Rpi and PC in both cases. On PC, the response in both cases is a bit surprising!


Case 1: teleop_twist_keyboard on rpi

Echo from rpi:

Type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

Publisher count: 2

Node name: teleop_twist_keyboard
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.5e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Node name: teleop_twist_joy_node
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.d0.04.9e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Subscription count: 1

Node name: motion_control
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: SUBSCRIPTION
GID: 01.0f.40.4d.fb.05.ec.c4.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: BEST_EFFORT
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Echo from pc:

Type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

Publisher count: 2

Node name: teleop_twist_keyboard
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.5e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Node name: teleop_twist_joy_node
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.d0.04.9e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Subscription count: 1

Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: SUBSCRIPTION
GID: 01.0f.40.4d.fb.05.ec.c4.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: BEST_EFFORT
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Case 2: teleop_twist_keyboard on PC

Echo from rpi:

Type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

Publisher count: 2

Node name: teleop_twist_keyboard
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.6f.f6.1f.ee.f2.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Node name: teleop_twist_joy_node
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.d0.04.9e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Subscription count: 1

Node name: motion_control
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: SUBSCRIPTION
GID: 01.0f.40.4d.fb.05.ec.c4.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: BEST_EFFORT
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Echo from pc:

Type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

Publisher count: 2

Node name: teleop_twist_keyboard
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.6f.f6.1f.ee.f2.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Node name: teleop_twist_joy_node
Node namespace: /
Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: PUBLISHER
GID: 01.0f.bf.dd.d0.04.9e.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: RELIABLE
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite

Subscription count: 1

Topic type: geometry_msgs/msg/Twist
Endpoint type: SUBSCRIPTION
GID: 01.0f.40.4d.fb.05.ec.c4.
QoS profile:
  Reliability: BEST_EFFORT
  History (Depth): UNKNOWN
  Durability: VOLATILE
  Lifespan: Infinite
  Deadline: Infinite
  Liveliness: AUTOMATIC
  Liveliness lease duration: Infinite
RustyCPR commented 1 day ago

Hi @aharshac Sorry for the issues you are experiencing. Could you please open a new ticket a new ticket to address your issue. If you are trying to drive backwards you set the safety override to backup_only or full in the create3 webserver to drive backwards.

I'll close this ticket because @ValentinLeglise has not provided a update in some time. Thanks, Rusty