turtlebot / turtlebot_apps

A group of simple demos and exmaples to run on your TurtleBot to help you get started with ROS and TurtleBot.
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`move_base_turtlebot_laser.launch` in `turtlebot_navigation/laser/laser_gmapping_demo.launch`? #164

Open duchengyao opened 7 years ago

duchengyao commented 7 years ago

There is no move_base_turtlebot_laser.launch but found in turtlebot_navigation/laser/laser_gmapping_demo.launch

<!--- Run Move Base and Robot Pose EKF -->
<include file="$(find turtlebot_navigation)/laser/move_base_turtlebot_laser.launch" />

I just found move_base_laser.launch in laser directroy.