turtlebot / turtlebot_apps

A group of simple demos and exmaples to run on your TurtleBot to help you get started with ROS and TurtleBot.
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Mongodb #4

Closed stonier closed 11 years ago

stonier commented 11 years ago

See if we can directly use ubuntu's mongodb package now.

I note that it's use is commented out in the mongodb ros package - it uses an internally compiled (downloaded?) package.

stonier commented 11 years ago

Another note - it bugs out if you have the system /etc/init.d/mongodb running.

I think I've read that it's also a good idea not to run two mongodb instances side by side since they have a policy of grabbing as much ram as they can find. Check if that's the reason for it bombing before.

jihoonl commented 11 years ago

In my investigation, only one mongodb is running all the time. wrapper.py in mongodb ros-pkg attempts to bind the same address as the /etc/init.d/mongodb one and it kills itself if the address is binded already. So there is no chance running two instances of mongodb.

Also, I have tested the apps with launch file which mongodb rospkg is commented out and worked fine if mongodb instance is running already.

jihoonl commented 11 years ago

So my conclusion is we can directly use ubuntu's mongodb package

stonier commented 11 years ago

Ok, closing for now.