turtlebot / turtlebot_interactions

User side interactions for working with a turtlebot.
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image_rect_color doesn't work after default installation in simulation #7

Open nampi opened 9 years ago

nampi commented 9 years ago

Image_rect_color doesn't work after installation (http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot/Tutorials/indigo/Turtlebot%20Installation) and launch rviz.

There are at least two decisions:

  1. Change the default parameter Image Topic. (The default parameter for Image Topic can be: "/camera/depth/image_raw", "/camera/rgb/image_raw".)
  2. Install the additional package "openni".

I've tested both decisions for simulation robot. They both worked. Which would be better? Then it should be tested on the real robot too.

You can find the primary problem there (http://answers.ros.org/question/197359/no-image-received-in-rviz-turtlebot-sim/#219957).