A segfault occurs, (I believe in the gzserver), and the gazebo-2 process dies.
The gazebo client window will remain open however none of the models are visible and while I can click on the models and place them in the gazebo window, they disappear as soon as I place them. The models list in the gzclient shows that no models are in the window.
Also running rostopic echo on any of the topics that do show in the rostopic list, reveal that none of the data is being published.
While I was able to run gdb on the nodes launched in the turtlebot_empty_world.launch file, I could not find the error and I am unsure how to run gdb on the entire launch sequence or individually on the gzserver or gzclient.
The reason I believe the segfault is occuring within gzserver process is because I have tried running the turtlebot simulator by opening three terminal windows and running the following commands:
and the segfault error message will occur in the
rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver's terminal window.
Both methods of running the turtlebot simulator give the same results.
Method one: using just the roslaunch command
Method two: using the three commands listed above.
I know that the turtlebot packages for ROS Indigo are not yet supported/finished but I hope reporting this issue can help you find and fix the issue.
When launching the turtlebot gazebo simulator using
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot empty_world.launch
A segfault occurs, (I believe in the gzserver), and the gazebo-2 process dies.
The gazebo client window will remain open however none of the models are visible and while I can click on the models and place them in the gazebo window, they disappear as soon as I place them. The models list in the gzclient shows that no models are in the window.
Also running rostopic echo on any of the topics that do show in the rostopic list, reveal that none of the data is being published.
While I was able to run gdb on the nodes launched in the turtlebot_empty_world.launch file, I could not find the error and I am unsure how to run gdb on the entire launch sequence or individually on the gzserver or gzclient.
The reason I believe the segfault is occuring within gzserver process is because I have tried running the turtlebot simulator by opening three terminal windows and running the following commands:
roscore rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_empty_world.launch
and the segfault error message will occur in the rosrun gazebo_ros gzserver's terminal window.
Both methods of running the turtlebot simulator give the same results. Method one: using just the roslaunch command Method two: using the three commands listed above.
A full output of the command can be found on my post on ROS Answers. http://answers.ros.org/question/174374/ros-indigo-turtlebot-gazebo-simulation/