turtlelovesshoes / SUMOTwitterInsights

Cultures of Experimentation workshop 2018 Round 5 initiative to analyze open text of Mozilla Support @firefox customer support sentiment
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Webpage needed for report #6

Open turtlelovesshoes opened 6 years ago

turtlelovesshoes commented 6 years ago

Currently version 2.0 of the project runs locally for analysis. It is desired to host a report of positive and negative analysis of Twitter support data to share interpretations with the SUMO team as well as product audiences for context of SUMO support release reports.

Example report: (not public for internal use only) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ng1ff4SwLAsBMfVtHetpJA72ouYXW2w0FpfjKtye19U/edit#

Adding a section of positive and negative sentiment for the issues mentioned in the report are desired.