tus / draft-digest-fields-problem-types

An Internet Draft defining Problem Types for Digest Fields
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idea: maybe signatures would benefit from some problem types too? #6

Open LPardue opened 4 months ago

LPardue commented 4 months ago

Time is short so don't do this now but I suggest reaching out to Justin Richer about HTTP signatures to see if they might benefit from some problem types too. See https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc9421.html#rfc.section.1.4 and specifically

If the response is from an HTTP API, a response with an HTTP status code such as 400 (Bad Request) could include more details [RFC7807] [RFC9457], such as an indicator that the wrong key material was used.

Acconut commented 4 months ago

That's a good idea. I will reach out to Justin and see if there is interested to do so. Maybe there is the potential to share problem types between digests and signatures.

ioggstream commented 1 month ago

cc: @jricher