tus / tus-js-client

A pure JavaScript client for the tus resumable upload protocol
MIT License
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tus-js-client extension support #29

Closed matthoskins1980 closed 8 years ago

matthoskins1980 commented 8 years ago

From what I can tell, the tus-js-client does not support many of the extensions in the tus protocol - namely - checksum and concatenation. Are those extensions left to the user to implement outside of the client library? Or is it just a matter of time / needing implementation? Or - am I just missing something completely? :)

Acconut commented 8 years ago

Well, there are different reasons why these extensions haven't been implemented yet:

To summaries, there is no real reason why extension support is not high right now, except the (maybe) missing needs and technical details. A user could build the required code on top of tus-js-client but is not supposed to do so. I hope to improve the situation soon.

matthoskins1980 commented 8 years ago

@Acconut makes total sense - and please don't take my question as criticism - this protocol definition is exactly what we (the webdev community) needed!

I want to make sure I understand the Concatenation extension - let me explain my use case and see if it fits. I want to give my users the ability to upload medium-to-large video files (in excess of 350MB) over a mobile hotspot. The browser will be on a laptop (not mobile). In order to maximize network performance - I like to make the upload multi-threaded. Essentially - I'd like to upload one file over 3 to 5 HTTP connections. Could concatenation be used for this?

Acconut commented 8 years ago

Yes, that's one of the use cases we designed the Concatenation extension for.

kvz commented 8 years ago

@Acconut I like your explanations in https://github.com/tus/tus-js-client/issues/29#issuecomment-171659656, would it make sense to cement (some of) those in README.md?

janko commented 6 years ago

FWIW, here is a function I came up with for generating an MD5 hash of a File object using spark-md5 and chunked-file-reader:

function fileMD5 (file) {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    var spark  = new SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer(),
        reader = new ChunkedFileReader();

    reader.subscribe('chunk', function (e) {

    reader.subscribe('end', function (e) {
      var rawHash    = spark.end(true);
      var base64Hash = btoa(rawHash);



The chunked-file-reader is probably not going to be necessary, since tus-js-client is splitting the File object into chunks of Blob objects which are already loaded whole into memory.

For files of 20MB this takes about 600ms on my machine. I don't expect anyone to use chunks larger than 20MB, so I think it's a pretty small overhead. I haven't compared spark-md5 with other alternatives, but spark-md5 claims to be very fast.

Acconut commented 6 years ago

@janko-m Those are some promising numbers, thanks for sharing!

janko commented 6 years ago

Another update, the default chunk size for ChunkedFileReader is 256 KB, which I think is bit too small. I tried bumping the chunk size to 2MB, which I think is very reasonable, and for me that sped up hashing from 600ms to 200ms (for a 20MB file).

So, I think we should be good regarding the performance of calculating a checksum, though it would probably be good to also test the speed on mobile devices.