tusc / wireguard-kmod

WireGuard for UDM series routers
352 stars 19 forks source link

Not sure its working #51

Closed ctrlcmdshft closed 2 years ago

ctrlcmdshft commented 2 years ago

OK so i went through setting up everything as show, have wireguard setup on iphone then when on iphone connecting to vpn while on LTE i get internet no problem still when connected via wireguard and ip shows an ipv6 address i think but when on UDM i run the wg command and i get this

interface: wg0
  public key: UDMPublicKey
  private key: UDMPrivateKey
  listening port: 51820

peer: iOSPublicKey
  allowed ips:

Is this correct is there anyway to confirm its woking properly and when on LTE or non Home network i can access items hosted on home network like access to pihole/docker etc...

peacey commented 2 years ago

Hi @ctrlcmdshft,

If it's working you should be able to ping an IP on the UDM subnet.

I don't see a handshake on the UDM, so I'm not sure if it's working. Did you check if it's working?

ctrlcmdshft commented 2 years ago

i dont see handshake at all when connected and doing wg heres is my config and ios setting maybe you can see issues with them idk. only other thing i did was follow the two screenshots for the wireguard rules and port group. is there anything else i may of missed doing within the UDM.

ios setting

Address =      
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = 4L9fnNRZxDuszh2FUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PublicKey = llhE7mFdjKYXu7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51820
ctrlcmdshft commented 2 years ago

@peacey so i started fresh with new configs and i now get whats below when doing wg so i know its connected and internet works when not on wifi but now how do i add to this to allow me to be able to access some services i have on a different subnet then the wireguard one

 # wg
interface: wg0
  public key: MrdaRP3c2IxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfhOYix71Jmc=
  private key: (hidden)
  listening port: 51820

peer: llhE7mFdjKYXuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWu7Zg4=
  endpoint: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:17258
  allowed ips:
  latest handshake: 1 minute, 19 seconds ago
  transfer: 11.90 KiB received, 21.27 KiB sent

# Server Config
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = 4L9fnNRZxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUtUCefZF4=
PublicKey = llhE7mFdjKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxq69Y8Wu7Zg4=
AllowedIPs =

#Client Config
PrivateKey = IHadjZJS22SJtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx84ZpY1/qLej28=
Address =

PublicKey = MrdaRPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5fhOYix71Jmc=
Endpoint = apt.sekrit.site:51820
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
peacey commented 2 years ago

@ctrlcmdshft That's great you got it working. To access subnets on the UDMP from the client, you add the subnets to the AllowedIPs option on the client-side. For example, if UDMP subnets are and

AllowedIPs =,,

If you want the WG client to use the UDMP for ALL Internet - not just UDMP subnets, you can set AllowedIPs to

Once you add the proper AllowedIPs, you can ping or access an IP on the UDMP subnets from your WG client to see if it's working.