tusen-ai / SST

Code for a series of work in LiDAR perception, including SST (CVPR 22), FSD (NeurIPS 22), FSD++ (TPAMI 23), FSDv2, and CTRL (ICCV 23, oral).
Apache License 2.0
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How do you visualize? #59

Closed cjfghddl0206 closed 2 years ago

cjfghddl0206 commented 2 years ago

I used the kitti dataset to draw checkpoints and results, but I couldn't find any code to visualize it. What code can you visualize within your code?

Abyssaledge commented 2 years ago

I do not release the visualization code, which is very messy and just for developing purpose, abandoned long time ago. There are no technical difficulties to do visualization, only a matter of programming. You could randomly choosing a query, and save the attention weights as well as the corresponding voxel coordinates. Then, use the coordinates to find the corresponding points. Finally, paint the weights on the points.