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how to prepare wayno raw data? #31

Closed liuhao123t closed 1 year ago

liuhao123t commented 1 year ago

the websit of wayno dataset ,that include two type dataset ,if i want to to 3d track, should i download the perception type ? and perception type have many versions, each version have many subdirectories,i am very confused which one need to download for waymo_preprocess to get the handy row wayno data。

ziqipang commented 1 year ago

@liuhao123t Thanks for asking! Yes, please download the perception subset. It seems Waymo Open Dataset has changed a lot in these two years and I haven't tracked these changes. Basically, I think you have to download the data that contains the point clouds of all the sequences.

liuhao123t commented 1 year ago

@ziqipang Thanks for answering

liuhao123t commented 1 year ago

@ziqipang one more question,where is the gt.bin that include ground truth information ? I did not find the file in waymo dataset

ziqipang commented 1 year ago

@liuhao123t Yeah, I remembered this issue, but I cannot find it right now since SimpleTrack was two years ago. I suggest you reach out to Waymo folks or contact with the authors of recent 3D detection / 3D MOT papers, they surely have it at hand.

liuhao123t commented 1 year ago

@ziqipang 好嘞