tusen-ai / SimpleTrack

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Inference speed #38

Closed ndwmath closed 1 year ago

ndwmath commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for your great work! I followed the steps in nuScenes.md to reproduce the code. Since FPS is not mentioned in the output, nor is it described in the paper, what is the inference speed of SimpleTrack in the nuScence dataset? python tools/main_nuscenes.py \ --name SimpleTrack2Hz \ --det_name detname\ --config_path configs/nu_configs/giou.yaml \ --result_folder /mnt/data/nuScenes/nuscenes_simpletrack_res \ --data_folder /mnt/data/nuScenes/2hz \ --process 150 Can I use the above script running time to calculate it myself?

ziqipang commented 1 year ago

Sure. Just FYI, using a single process is fairer when compared to other methods (or yours lol).

ndwmath commented 1 year ago
