# for quantize int8 training
quantize_flag = True
delya_quant: after delay_quant iters, the quantization working actually.
ema_decay: the hyperparameter for activation threshold update.
grad_mode: the mode for gradients pass. there are two mode: ste or clip.
ste mean straightforward pass the out gradients to data,
clip mean only pass the gradients whose value of data in the range of [-threshold, threshold],
the gradients of outer is settting to 0.
workspace: the temporary space used in grad_mode=clip
base_quant_attrs = {
"delay_quant": "0",
"ema_decay": "0.99",
"grad_mode": "ste",
"workspace": "1024"
# quantized_op = ["Convolution", "FullyConnected", "Deconvolution","Concat", "Pooling", "add_n", "elemwise_add"] # the operators of "Concat", "Pooling", "add_n", "elemwise_add" haven't verify the final accuracy match to the fp32 accuracy. but those opeartors can be quantized.
quantized_op = ["Convolution", "FullyConnected", "Deconvolution"]
the file for mxnet
the quantize op
the initializer for aux params in quantization int8
how to run int8 training
quantization config