tusen-ai / simpledet

A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition
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low mAP value on PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset #319

Closed guoqiang0148666 closed 4 years ago

guoqiang0148666 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your excellent works!

l am freshman to simpledet. l follow bellow commands to train and test faster rcnn on pascal voc 2007 dataset. l think these procedures are ok, but l got very low mAP , l don't know what's went wrong, l hope someone can help me, any suggestion will be welcomed!


  1. create pascal voc roidb

    python utils/create_voc_roidb.py --data-dir /media/guo/DataUbuntu/VOCdevkit0712/VOC2007/ --split trainval
    python utils/create_voc_roidb.py --data-dir /media/guo/DataUbuntu/VOCdevkit0712/VOC2007/ --split test

    They create _trainval.roidb and _test.roidb in data/cache dir, l rename them to pascal_voc_train2007.roidb and pascal_voc_val2007.roidb

  2. create label_map file

  3. train and test faster rcnn

    # train
    python detection_train.py --config config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x_voc07.py
    # test 
    python detection_test.py --config config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x_voc07.py

    my config file is modifed from 'config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x.py', the different is as follow :

    diff --git a/config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x.py b/config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x.py
    index 069a7e5..61ab6f5 100644
    --- a/config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x.py
    +++ b/config/faster_r50v1c4_c5_512roi_1x.py
    @@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ def get_config(is_train):
     class KvstoreParam:
         kvstore     = "local"
         batch_image = General.batch_image
    -        gpus        = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    +        #gpus        = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    +        gpus        = [0]
         fp16        = General.fp16

@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ def get_config(is_train): class BboxParam: fp16 = General.fp16 normalizer = NormalizeParam.normalizer

@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ def get_config(is_train):

 class DatasetParam:
     if is_train:
huangzehao commented 4 years ago

General VOC setting is train on voc0712 and test on voc07:

       if is_train:
            image_set = ("voc2007_trainval", "voc2012_trainval")
            image_set = ("voc2007_test", )

And we focus on AP@0.5 in VOC experiments.

guoqiang0148666 commented 4 years ago
