tusen-ai / simpledet

A Simple and Versatile Framework for Object Detection and Instance Recognition
Apache License 2.0
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create_coco_roidb error #357

Open FirasKedidi opened 3 years ago

FirasKedidi commented 3 years ago

Hello, I want to train a faster rcnn model on my custom data. I followed the getting started tutorial but when I ran the create_coco_roidb command I got this error. PS: I am using colab. `%%shell cd ./simpledet mkdir -p data/src mkdir -p data/newspaper/annotations ln -s content/drive/MyDrive/training_dataset_1/training_dataset.json data/newspaper/annotations/instances_train2007.json ln -s content/drive/MyDrive/validation (1)/validation_dataset.json data/newspaper/annotations/instances_val2007.json

mkdir -p simpledet/data/coco/images ln -s 'content/drive/MyDrive/training_dataset_1' data/newspaper/images/train2007 ln -s 'content/drive/MyDrive/validation (1)' data/newspaper/images/val2007
python ./simpledet/utils/create_coco_roidb.py --dataset newspaper --dataset-split train2007 python ./simpledet/utils/create_coco_roidb.py --dataset newspaper --dataset-split val2007 ` The error is in the level of create_coco_roidb image