**### Overview: This PR enhances the security and logging capabilities of the application by integrating the following middleware:
Adds HTTP request logging to monitor and debug the application effectively.
Configured to log request method, URL, response time, and status codes.
Improves security by setting various HTTP headers to protect against common vulnerabilities.
Ensures all routes are utilizing Helmet to enforce security best practices.
**Changes Made:
Installed and configured Morgan and Helmet as middleware in the Express application.
Updated the server configuration to include logging and security enhancements.
Improved Security: Adds a layer of protection against potential security threats.
Better Debugging: Provides clear logging of incoming requests, aiding in monitoring application behavior.**
**### Overview: This PR enhances the security and logging capabilities of the application by integrating the following middleware:
Adds HTTP request logging to monitor and debug the application effectively. Configured to log request method, URL, response time, and status codes. Helmet:
Improves security by setting various HTTP headers to protect against common vulnerabilities. Ensures all routes are utilizing Helmet to enforce security best practices.
**Changes Made:
Installed and configured Morgan and Helmet as middleware in the Express application. Updated the server configuration to include logging and security enhancements. Benefits:
Improved Security: Adds a layer of protection against potential security threats. Better Debugging: Provides clear logging of incoming requests, aiding in monitoring application behavior.**