Open wh04m1x777 opened 9 months ago
After checking the box and reloading the browser tab, the task remains unchecked and is not marked as done.
This modified version of the code worked, and after reloading the tab or restarting the browser, the task remains marked as completed.
// Selectors const toDoInput = document.querySelector('.todo-input'); const toDoBtn = document.querySelector('.todo-btn'); const toDoList = document.querySelector('.todo-list'); const standardTheme = document.querySelector('.standard-theme'); const lightTheme = document.querySelector('.light-theme'); const darkerTheme = document.querySelector('.darker-theme'); // Event Listeners toDoBtn.addEventListener('click', addToDo); toDoList.addEventListener('click', deletecheck); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", getTodos); standardTheme.addEventListener('click', () => changeTheme('standard')); lightTheme.addEventListener('click', () => changeTheme('light')); darkerTheme.addEventListener('click', () => changeTheme('darker')); // Check if one theme has been set previously and apply it (or std theme if not found): let savedTheme = localStorage.getItem('savedTheme'); savedTheme === null ? changeTheme('standard') : changeTheme(localStorage.getItem('savedTheme')); // Functions; function addToDo(event) { // Prevents form from submitting / Prevents form from reloading; event.preventDefault(); // toDo DIV; const toDoDiv = document.createElement("div"); toDoDiv.classList.add('todo', `${savedTheme}-todo`); // Create LI const newToDo = document.createElement('li'); if (toDoInput.value === '') { alert("You must write something!"); } else { newToDo.innerText = toDoInput.value; newToDo.classList.add('todo-item'); toDoDiv.appendChild(newToDo); // Adding to local storage with checked status as false savelocal({ todo: toDoInput.value, isChecked: false }); // check btn; const checked = document.createElement('button'); checked.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>'; checked.classList.add('check-btn', `${savedTheme}-button`); toDoDiv.appendChild(checked); // delete btn; const deleted = document.createElement('button'); deleted.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-trash"></i>'; deleted.classList.add('delete-btn', `${savedTheme}-button`); toDoDiv.appendChild(deleted); // Append to list; toDoList.appendChild(toDoDiv); // Clearing the input; toDoInput.value = ''; } } function deletecheck(event) { const item =; // delete if (item.classList.contains('delete-btn')) { // Animation item.parentElement.classList.add("fall"); // Removing local todos; removeLocalTodos(item.parentElement); item.parentElement.addEventListener('transitionend', function() { item.parentElement.remove(); }) } // check if (item.classList.contains('check-btn')) { const todoDiv = item.parentElement; todoDiv.classList.toggle("completed"); const todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos')); const todoIndex = todos.findIndex(todo => todo.todo === todoDiv.firstChild.innerText); todos[todoIndex].isChecked = !todos[todoIndex].isChecked; localStorage.setItem('todos', JSON.stringify(todos)); } } function savelocal(todo) { let todos; if (localStorage.getItem('todos') === null) { todos = []; } else { todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos')); } todos.push(todo); localStorage.setItem('todos', JSON.stringify(todos)); } function getTodos() { let todos; if (localStorage.getItem('todos') === null) { todos = []; } else { todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos')); } todos.forEach(function(todo) { // toDo DIV; const toDoDiv = document.createElement("div"); toDoDiv.classList.add("todo", `${savedTheme}-todo`); // Create LI const newToDo = document.createElement('li'); newToDo.innerText = todo.todo; newToDo.classList.add('todo-item'); toDoDiv.appendChild(newToDo); // check btn; const checked = document.createElement('button'); checked.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>'; checked.classList.add("check-btn", `${savedTheme}-button`); toDoDiv.appendChild(checked); // delete btn; const deleted = document.createElement('button'); deleted.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-trash"></i>'; deleted.classList.add("delete-btn", `${savedTheme}-button`); toDoDiv.appendChild(deleted); // Append to list; toDoList.appendChild(toDoDiv); // Set checked status if (todo.isChecked) { toDoDiv.classList.add('completed'); } }); } function removeLocalTodos(todo) { let todos; if (localStorage.getItem('todos') === null) { todos = []; } else { todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('todos')); } const todoIndex = todos.findIndex(item => item.todo === todo.firstChild.innerText); todos.splice(todoIndex, 1); localStorage.setItem('todos', JSON.stringify(todos)); } // Change theme function: function changeTheme(color) { localStorage.setItem('savedTheme', color); savedTheme = localStorage.getItem('savedTheme'); document.body.className = color; // Change blinking cursor for darker theme: color === 'darker' ? document.getElementById('title').classList.add('darker-title') : document.getElementById('title').classList.remove('darker-title'); document.querySelector('input').className = `${color}-input`; // Change todo color without changing their status (completed or not): document.querySelectorAll('.todo').forEach(todo => { Array.from(todo.classList).some(item => item === 'completed') ? todo.className = `todo ${color}-todo completed` : todo.className = `todo ${color}-todo`; }); // Change buttons color according to their type (todo, check or delete): document.querySelectorAll('button').forEach(button => { Array.from(button.classList).some(item => { if (item === 'check-btn') { button.className = `check-btn ${color}-button`; } else if (item === 'delete-btn') { button.className = `delete-btn ${color}-button`; } else if (item === 'todo-btn') { button.className = `todo-btn ${color}-button`; } }); }); }
Great contribution! Just change "deletecheck(event)" and "savelocal(todo)" by "deleteCheck(event)" and "saveLocal(todo)".
After checking the box and reloading the browser tab, the task remains unchecked and is not marked as done.
This modified version of the code worked, and after reloading the tab or restarting the browser, the task remains marked as completed.