tusharsangam / TransVisDrone

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Training NPS Dataset Problem #12

Open zhuang5252 opened 1 month ago

zhuang5252 commented 1 month ago

Hello, thank you very much for your contribution. I have a question for you.

When I use these models (such as yolov5s, yolov5s, yolov5l, yolov5l xs tph) to train NPS, my accuracy, recall, and map do not increase but decrease, as shown in the following figure.

Can you give me some advice on how to solve this problem? results 微信图片_20240516102445

My data distribution is as follows, labels from left to right are category, center point coordinates x, y, box width, and height in order. 微信图片_20240516103511 微信图片_20240516103519

tusharsangam commented 2 weeks ago

Make sure NPS data is preprocessed using the NPS reproduce branch (this is a condensed two-step of the original multi-step preprocessing routine.) (step 1. videos_to_frames_nps.py, step2. nps_to_yolo.py, optional step3. plot videos) yolo5l.pt is publicly available yolo5l model checkpoint. Following code also commented in submit-train.slurm file

 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port 47769 \
 --use_env train.py --img 1280 --adam --batch 4 --epochs 80 --data ./data/NPS.yaml \
 --hy ./data/hyps/hyp.VisDrone.yaml --cfg ./models/yolov5l.yaml \
 --name image_size_1280_temporal_YOLO5l_5_frames_NPS_end_to_end_skip_0 --project ./runs/train/NPS \
 --weights ./pretrained/yolo5l.pt --exist-ok