tushev / aojdk-updatewatcher

Automatic update tool for AdoptOpenJDK, Eclipse Temurin™ and/or IBM® Semeru® Open Edition releases
MIT License
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AdoptOpenJdk has moved/rebrended to Adoptium #44

Closed Bryksin closed 2 years ago

Bryksin commented 2 years ago

AdoptOpenJdk was rebrended to Adoptium https://adoptium.net/

Original AdoptOpenJdk has only JDK16, whereas Adoptium has already 17. Would be amazing if you would update your watcher to use new Adoptium

tushev commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion.

Current (v. of my updater is still branded as Update Watcher for AdoptOpenJDK *, but it allows to install and update
Eclipse Adoptium (Temurin) 17 binaries: image


Do you see these values in your updater? It should detect installed JDK/JRE MSI's automatically. UnZIPped instances may require adding them manually.

As for name change, I'm planning to rebrand simultaneously with the switch from api.adoptopenjdk.net to api.adoptium.net. This will be done after either IBM releases its own API for Semeru (ex. AdoptOpenJDK openj9 builds) or api.adoptium.net would start providing Semeru releases (https://github.com/adoptium/api.adoptium.net/issues/187) .