tuskyapp / Tusky

An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon
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Notifications doesn't work at all #3935

Open Hund opened 11 months ago

Hund commented 11 months ago

The notifications has been broken for a while now for me. Probably a few months. I get zero notifications. I don't know how or why.

I have double checked options like allowing background data and allowing notifications in Android.

Lakoja commented 11 months ago

Do you use push notifications?

(up-fcm or ntfy or something being installed?)

Hund commented 11 months ago

I use push notifications.

I don't know what that is.

Lakoja commented 11 months ago

(Probably the same as #3591 - which was not fixed)

If you want to test this you can uninstall (and install) Tusky or wipe all its data. Caveat: Which will also delete all your settings for example.

Hund commented 11 months ago

I uninstalled and installed Tiskt, but it didn't help. :/

Hund commented 11 months ago

It does work now. I don't know what happened.

Hund commented 10 months ago

The issue is back.

Andre601 commented 10 months ago

I encounter a similar issue. The app has sufficient permissions to send notifications and I use Ntfy for the Push notifications. See #3953 for all details.

SteveDinn commented 10 months ago

I've noticed that my notifications went away when I had to temporarily disable Tusky's notifications (which is basically removing the app's permission to send notifications). When I finally re-enabled Tuskey's notifications, I never got another one.

I use push notifications (UP-FCM), and I have tried removing Tusky from the registered applications, killing the app, and restarting it. The registration reappeared in UP-FCM, but I still don't get any notifications.

Hund commented 10 months ago

I've noticed that my notifications went away when I had to temporarily disable Tusky's notifications (which is basically removing the app's permission to send notifications). When I finally re-enabled Tuskey's notifications, I never got another one.

I use push notifications (UP-FCM), and I have tried removing Tusky from the registered applications, killing the app, and restarting it. The registration reappeared in UP-FCM, but I still don't get any notifications.

That could be something. I have disabled and enabled notifications in the past.

Andre601 commented 10 months ago

When my memory isn't failing did I that too...

ItsRogueRen commented 8 months ago

Also have this. Turned off notifications for a few hours and when I turned them back on I got no notifications at all from that point forward. Other apps like FediLab do get notifications even after disabling and re-enabling notifications.

nikclayton commented 4 months ago

@Hund @Andre601 @SteveDinn

If you would like to provide information to help debug this issue install Pachli Current (https://pachli.app/download/#pachli-current).

Pachli's notification code is still very similar to Tusky's, and the latest release of Pachli Current shows (on the "About" screen) a lot of additional information about how notifications are being fetched, and why a particular method was chosen.

https://pachli.app/pachli/2024/02/17/debugging-notifications.html explains how to use this feature to provide bug reports that contain the necessary information.

Because the notification code in the apps is still very similar those reports (and any fixes in Pachli) are very likely to be applicable to Tusky too, so both sets of users will benefit.

fl0bo commented 4 months ago

@nikclayton Notifications worked straight away using Pachli current, while I don't get a single one from Tusky.

All checkmarks were set for the Details tab right after startup (besides the NTFY exemption, which I think isn't required since I'm using Conversations).

Is there anything you like to know in more detail? Logs? (were just sent to team@pachli.app)

Andre601 commented 4 months ago

@Hund @Andre601 @SteveDinn

If you would like to provide information to help debug this issue install Pachli Current (https://pachli.app/download/#pachli-current).

Pachli's notification code is still very similar to Tusky's, and the latest release of Pachli Current shows (on the "About" screen) a lot of additional information about how notifications are being fetched, and why a particular method was chosen.

https://pachli.app/pachli/2024/02/17/debugging-notifications.html explains how to use this feature to provide bug reports that contain the necessary information.

Because the notification code in the apps is still very similar those reports (and any fixes in Pachli) are very likely to be applicable to Tusky too, so both sets of users will benefit.

No offense, but I have my general distrust on installing a random app just to test something out...

Only thing I can tell right now, but that probs isn't related, is that I have ntfy installed, but no notification connections (or what you call them) set up by Tusky, because I removed them at one point, thinking it was a ntfy bug, and tusky never re-created them... Maybe that could be an issue? Tusky thinking ntfy is used for notifs, but ntfy not having any set up, so nothing comes through?

It would already help me a lot to get ntfy working again with Tusky here...

(Btw, read the about of the app. I'm from switzerland (Native) and I would pronounce it with a "k" and not a "ch" or similar tone... Like "päckli" maybe... idk. Also, Rivella is a nice beverage... Just saying.)

nikclayton commented 4 months ago


No offense, but I have my general distrust on installing a random app just to test something out...

That's fair. If it makes you feel more confident, https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/commits/develop/?author=nikclayton is all the code I wrote in Tusky that you're already using.

My working theory about Rivella is I only know of two languages that have that "cch" sound; Swiss German and Dutch. Notably, Switzerland and the Netherlands are the two countries where Rivella is extremely popular. So I figure that excess consumption as a child does something to the vocal cords making it much easier for people from those countries to make that sound :-)

I have not subjected this theory to rigorous testing.

Andre601 commented 4 months ago


No offense, but I have my general distrust on installing a random app just to test something out...

That's fair. If it makes you feel more confident, https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/commits/develop/?author=nikclayton is all the code I wrote in Tusky that you're already using.

My working theory about Rivella is I only know of two languages that have that "cch" sound; Swiss German and Dutch. Notably, Switzerland and the Netherlands are the two countries where Rivella is extremely popular. So I figure that excess consumption as a child does something to the vocal cords making it much easier for people from those countries to make that sound :-)

I have not subjected this theory to rigorous testing.

I did start using Pachli now and got some strange behaviour...

First I installed Pachli current and got notifications like straight away... Then I removed it again and instead used Pachli itself from F-Droid. Tho, that one doesn't get any notifications whatsoever... And now when I re-added Pachli current does it not get any notifications either... Tho, I can't tell if this is due to me also having the web-version of the instance active on my PC and therefore notifications aren't send out to mobile itself...

I still believe it could be connected to ntfy here... In Tusky did I remove the entries and the app never recreated new ones. In Pachli (both current and stable) I left them in... Maybe in this case for some reason the ntfy URLs stopped working, yet Pachli still thinks they work, therefore uses them?

It's quite confusing to me.

Either way here is the info of the Notifications screen:

Also, I cannot confirm nor deny your theory here... I just drink it myself. :)

fl0bo commented 4 months ago

@nikclayton Notifications worked straight away using Pachli current, while I don't get a single one from Tusky.

All checkmarks were set for the Details tab right after startup (besides the NTFY exemption, which I think isn't required since I'm using Conversations).

Is there anything you like to know in more detail? Logs? (were just sent to team@pachli.app)

Yesterday I've continued to additionally install Pachli from F-Droid. After notifications appeared from both Pachli Current and Pachli, none from Tusky (as before), Pachli Current was uninstalled and the device was set to flight mode overnight.

This morning flight mode was turned off and no notifications appeared (in the meantime a few messages have piled up by accounts that have notifications enabled) -- perhaps I wasn't patient enough. A few minutes later notifications started to appear for each new message again.

I'm going to reinstall all three apps and see if it makes a difference. This was tried with Tusky to no avail before.

fl0bo commented 4 months ago

@nikclayton Having used Pachli (from F-Droid) on a daily basis for the last two weeks and receiving all the expected notifications (Tusky stays quiet whatever I try), I'm running out of ideas. This is on Android 13, LineageOS 20 (nightly build 20-20240118-NIGHTLY-sunfish), Pixel 4A.

Would it be possible to add the debug feature availabe from Pachli Current to Tusky?