tustin2121 / James_Somerton_Transcripts

An archive of transcripts of James Somerton's videos. If you'd like to help, feel free to submit an issue with any found sources, or PR for code changes.
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[rg92PER6xvE] Nintendo's Queer Relationship With Gender #64

Open tustin2121 opened 5 months ago

tustin2121 commented 5 months ago
Helpme77 commented 2 months ago

I mentioned a clean write-up for the transcript for the Nintendo video on the Discord group (I'm Klitipzyxm), which I have shared in #general-plagiarism, and its thread for transcript progress. Here it is. Thought it would be easier to read like this. I can not comment on any new plagiarism discoveries (so far), though it appears to be in the process of fact checking it if you have seen the activity in the #general-plagiarism thread.

Nintendo's queer relationship with gender - New transcript.pdf