tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Birthdays of contacts in calendar #1352

Open charlag opened 5 years ago

BJMabbett commented 5 years ago

Any events on a contact's card including birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

gio-cefalu commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a reminder for a person's birthday. Maybe a global setting for showing notices for birthday 1 week in advance, 1 day in advance, or on the day of the birthday. This is a "nice to have" feature but not critical.

gimmie7 commented 4 years ago

So far this is the only feature I really miss in Tutanota. Would be great if it was implemented soon :)

milesgillham commented 3 years ago

Any update on timeline for this feature? As gimmie7 says it's a beloved feature and I believe it should be part of the core functionality.

cwoehrer commented 3 years ago

I miss the feature too, it would be very great if this is available soon. Unfortunately, it no longer appears at https://tutanota.com/de/roadmap/, but I still hope that this feature will be pursued.

cwoehrer commented 2 years ago

Is there any information on this when it will be implemented? It's been classified as small improvement for a very long time, would love to see this feature coming soon :)

ZettaPloom commented 2 years ago

Hope it get on roadmap again

gerrix1701 commented 1 year ago

Hope this feature will be added soon. It's currently the only reason why I'm not using Tutanota's calendar so far...

chrpinedo commented 1 year ago

it would be great to have this feature!

liamshort commented 8 months ago

I would love this functionality!