tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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swiping to delete email deletes wrong email #1596

Open bedhub opened 4 years ago

bedhub commented 4 years ago

i have some new mails. i open the app now is the moment when the app loads new mails, it takes one-two seconds

opearations during loading the new mails:

  1. meantime I see that I have a message I want to delete
  2. I swipe a message to delete, but I still do not remove it ————- now new mails are loaded——- right now, it has changed the swiped mail. Old mails were moved down, so my “selection” is true on the same place but with the different mail. i I release the swipe it will removed a different mail than I selected at the beginning.
Kingwad commented 3 years ago

Applies not only to when the app just opens, but the bug is also triggered if you receive a new email in the middle of the deletion swipe regardless of how long the app has been opened.

ghost commented 2 years ago

This issue persists in 3.95.4. The incoming email will be deleted in place of the email being swiped for deletion.