tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Showing the attachment symbol on an email in the list with only inline attachments is confusing #1734

Open armhub opened 4 years ago

armhub commented 4 years ago

Discussion: When there are only inline attachments on an email and no "normal" attachments we currently show the attachment symbol on the email in the email list. This is confusing because you would expect to see an attachment bubble in the email, especially if these inline attachments are formatting images or signature logos. On the other hand some users put images into emails as inline attachments which they expect to be regarded as "normal" attachments.


bedhub commented 3 years ago

I would like to discuss this case again because i prefer to keep the attachment symbol in the mail list. We have three cases of attachment right now:

  1. regular attachments -> Attachment symbol, Attachment bubble
  2. Inline attachments added from the mail editor. (send as attachment and referenced by cid from the mail body) -> Attachment symbol -> No attachment bubble
  3. Embedded images from mail signature (send as base64 url) -> No attachment symbol, No attachment bubble

For case 3 (signature images) we need to find another solution as the base64 images are not shown by every webmail provider (e.g. gmail). Best would be to handle them like case 2 (inline attachments referenced by cid) see #1881.