tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Default email app on iOS #2294

Open ganthern opened 3 years ago

ganthern commented 3 years ago

As an owner of an iOS device i want to be able to configure the Tutanota app as the default email app. When clicking on a email address (e.g. from address book or a mailto link) the Tutanota application should start and open an email editor.

Acceptance critera:

Implementation hints: This is supported since iOS 14 and it seems that this kind of integration is based on passing around mailto links. As the web view can already handle mailto links we just have to forward the mailto link from the native part to the web view when the application is invoked. To enable the default mailto integration just have to set a property and ask apple for permission.

Here is what we need to do to prepare: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/preparing-your-app-to-be-the-default-browser-or-email-client

Some links how native side will receive these links https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/allowing-apps-and-websites-to-link-to-your-content https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/supporting-universal-links-in-your-app

johnbotris commented 2 years ago

I contacted apple to request permission to enable tutanota as a default mail client. I finally got a response with some dot points:

The application does not take the ‘mailto:’ URL scheme. This means that it is not contained in the CFBundleURLSchemes member of the CFBundleURLTypes dictionary in the Info.plist.

This implies we should be able to get a test version of the app working and enabled for mailto, which we would then submit for review, however I spent some time looking into this and couldn't get it to build due to the missing permission (maybe i was confused about something)

The application requires an account, and no test credentials were provided.

The owner of the developer account probably needs to make the request rather than myself

gaborbuzasi commented 1 year ago


Has there been any progress on this? Is there any way someone outside Tutanota could help with?

charlag commented 1 year ago

It is scheduled and some research was made but it wasn't in development yet. We've been also offset by waiting for permission from Apple which we do have now I believe.

trivarialthea commented 10 months ago

So, when is it coming?

D-nov commented 4 months ago

4 years later and this is still an existing issue? Other free apps have this from day 1, so why tuta still doesn't have it ?

Tuta won me with the price \ features ratio, mainly for being able to use unlimited custom domain aliases :heart: , but not having it as default app got me off guard and searching on google to see if i did something wrong until i stumbled on this open issue. :exploding_head: