tutao / tutanota

Tuta is an email service with a strong focus on security and privacy that lets you encrypt emails, contacts and calendar entries on all your devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Uncaught Error: TypeError - Cannot read property 'userGroup' of null #3050

Open tovarian opened 3 years ago

tovarian commented 3 years ago

Can anyone explain these errors? I'm pretty sure someone in particular has injected code into my apps and I would like to stop it if possible. Thanks

Feedback v3.82.18 - TypeError - UNKNOWN - android

Client: android Type: UNKNOWN Tutanota version: 3.82.18 Timestamp (UTC): Thu, 13 May 2021 20:32:02 GMT User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; moto e Build/QPG30.82-141; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Mobile Safari/537.36 TypeError Error message: Cannot read property 'userGroup' of null Stacktrace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'userGroup' of null at e.value (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/worker.js:1:112858) at e.value (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/worker.js:1:113117) at e.value (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/worker.js:1:111092) at file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/worker.js:1:111536 at u (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:114844) at M._settlePromiseFromHandler (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:87847) at M._settlePromise (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:88647) at M._settlePromise0 (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:89346) at M._settlePromises (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:90698) at M._fulfill (file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:89716) at file:///android_asset/tutanota/dist/polyfill.js:1:110819

charlag commented 3 years ago

After manually looking at the error it seems like search index was accessed before the log in or loggging in was somehow unsuccessful. Can you email hello@tutao.de with link to this issue? Thank you!

ProfessorCode212 commented 3 years ago

@charlag, I had the same issue. Should I send an email with a link to this issue as well?

charlag commented 3 years ago

@ProfessorCode212 I don't think it will help actually