tutorbookapp / tutorbook

Web app that helps schools and nonprofits connect students with expert mentors and volunteer tutors.
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Send confirmation email to new signups #71

Open nicholaschiang opened 4 years ago

nicholaschiang commented 4 years ago

We want to send a confirmation email to new mentor and tutor signups. We'll want to include some value in that email (e.g. "click her to verify your email" and then "help us by evangelizing your social network and following our social accounts").

And then we don't need a similar email for new mentee or tutee signups because they both signup via the request dialog anyways (so they already receive a request confirmation email from us).

Related Intercom message:

Hi Nicholas
how to know if I registered on website? because I don't receive an email.

Link: Conversation with Ahed AL Rashaydeh

Customer: Ahed AL Rashaydeh Customer ID: eFw0sFFfoLNmP7fMGW4lYj3SGLu1

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geekyahmed commented 4 years ago

I would have done this easily with nodejs but according to what i understand, you should create a model for the tokens then assign a token to a user which is now stored in the database where it has an expiration time. Hope this helps