tuttle-dev / tuttle

🪰 Tuttle - time and money management for freelancers
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Bug: View or Send invoice #150

Closed vlad-ed-git closed 1 year ago

vlad-ed-git commented 1 year ago

When viewing or sending an invoice I get the following assertion error: AssertionError: assert invoice_path.exists()

below is the complete logged exception

2023-01-19 15:24:53.602 | ERROR    | invoicing.intent:view_invoice:293 - Failed to open the invoice: 
2023-01-19 15:24:53.603 | ERROR    | invoicing.intent:view_invoice:294 - 
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 973, in _bootstrap
    │    └ <function Thread._bootstrap_inner at 0x10499b1c0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-87 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
    │    └ <function Thread.run at 0x10499aef0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-87 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 953, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
    │    │        │    │        │    └ {}
    │    │        │    │        └ <Thread(Thread-87 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
    │    │        │    └ (<flet.control_event.ControlEvent object at 0x1457e9f60>,)
    │    │        └ <Thread(Thread-87 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
    │    └ <function InvoiceTile.build.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1458aadd0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-87 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>

  File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/view.py", line 455, in <lambda>
    on_click=lambda e: self.on_view_invoice(self.invoice),
                    │  │    │               │    └ Invoice(number='1', date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 19), project_id=1, paid=False, rendered=True, id=1, contract_id=1, sent=False...
                    │  │    │               └ <invoicing.view.InvoiceTile object at 0x145886d40>
                    │  │    └ <bound method InvoicingListView.on_view_invoice of <invoicing.view.InvoicingListView object at 0x144dc4b80>>
                    │  └ <invoicing.view.InvoiceTile object at 0x145886d40>
                    └ <flet.control_event.ControlEvent object at 0x1457e9f60>

  File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/view.py", line 210, in on_view_invoice
    result = self.intent.view_invoice(invoice)
             │    │      │            └ Invoice(number='1', date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 19), project_id=1, paid=False, rendered=True, id=1, contract_id=1, sent=False...
             │    │      └ <function InvoicingIntent.view_invoice at 0x130f8ecb0>
             │    └ <invoicing.intent.InvoicingIntent object at 0x144dc4bb0>
             └ <invoicing.view.InvoicingListView object at 0x144dc4b80>

> File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/intent.py", line 289, in view_invoice
    assert pdf_path.exists()
           │        └ <function Path.exists at 0x105616dd0>
           └ PosixPath('/Users/vlad/.tuttle/Invoices/1-lima.pdf')

AssertionError: assert pdf_path.exists()
2023-01-19 15:24:59.719 | DEBUG    | core.abstractions:query:161 - querying <class 'tuttle.model.User'>
2023-01-19 15:24:59.736 | INFO     | core.abstractions:query:167 - Found 1 instances of <class 'tuttle.model.User'>
2023-01-19 15:24:59.937 | ERROR    | invoicing.intent:send_invoice_by_mail:190 - ❌ Error sending invoice by mail: 
2023-01-19 15:24:59.938 | ERROR    | invoicing.intent:send_invoice_by_mail:191 - 
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 973, in _bootstrap
    │    └ <function Thread._bootstrap_inner at 0x10499b1c0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-96 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
    │    └ <function Thread.run at 0x10499aef0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-96 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 953, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
    │    │        │    │        │    └ {}
    │    │        │    │        └ <Thread(Thread-96 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
    │    │        │    └ (<flet.control_event.ControlEvent object at 0x1458be110>,)
    │    │        └ <Thread(Thread-96 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>
    │    └ <function InvoiceTile.build.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x1458ab1c0>
    └ <Thread(Thread-96 (<lambda>), started daemon 6149484544)>

  File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/view.py", line 460, in <lambda>
    on_click=lambda e: self.on_mail_invoice(self.invoice),
                    │  │    │               │    └ Invoice(number='1', date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 19), project_id=1, paid=False, rendered=True, id=1, contract_id=1, sent=False...
                    │  │    │               └ <invoicing.view.InvoiceTile object at 0x145886d40>
                    │  │    └ <bound method InvoicingListView.on_mail_invoice of <invoicing.view.InvoicingListView object at 0x144dc4b80>>
                    │  └ <invoicing.view.InvoiceTile object at 0x145886d40>
                    └ <flet.control_event.ControlEvent object at 0x1458be110>

  File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/view.py", line 205, in on_mail_invoice
    result = self.intent.send_invoice_by_mail(invoice)
             │    │      │                    └ Invoice(number='1', date=datetime.date(2023, 1, 19), project_id=1, paid=False, rendered=True, id=1, contract_id=1, sent=False...
             │    │      └ <function InvoicingIntent.send_invoice_by_mail at 0x130f8e9e0>
             │    └ <invoicing.intent.InvoicingIntent object at 0x144dc4bb0>
             └ <invoicing.view.InvoicingListView object at 0x144dc4b80>

> File "/Users/vlad/Desktop/vlad/tuttle/app/invoicing/intent.py", line 183, in send_invoice_by_mail
    assert invoice_path.exists()
           │            └ <function Path.exists at 0x105616dd0>
           └ PosixPath('/Users/vlad/.tuttle/Invoices/1-lima.pdf')

AssertionError: assert invoice_path.exists()```
clstaudt commented 1 year ago

Demo invoices do not have a PDF yet, I'll make that a separate ticket because it's not a small change. I improved the error handling in case a PDF does not exist. Is this done?