Tuttle OFX is a library to connect and batch operations with OpenFx plugins. It comes with a set of plugins that allows you to batch process on movies and file sequences.
For example:
$ sam do r foo.exr // resize scale=0.5 // w outFoo.exr
The reader should setup the RoW from the Exr "Window region" and the RoD from the Exr "Data Window". The resize node should divide by 2 the RoW and RoD. And the writer should write the new Exr with those new regions.
$ sam do r foo.png // viewer
The reader should setup the RoW and RoD to the same value from the png size.
RoW properties:
As the OpenFX project size, it doesn't change over time.
Unlike OpenFX project size, it is defined per node and could be modified by plugins. So it changes through the graph. It's a property which should be computed in the ClipPreferenceAction (with the framerate, bit depth and components).
It will be unchanged by default but plugin could override this.
As described in #35 there is a need to have a way to setup the project options, but that's not sufficient. See the discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/tuttleofx-dev/9QLEv3B8DwE%5B1-25%5D
For example: $ sam do r foo.exr // resize scale=0.5 // w outFoo.exr The reader should setup the RoW from the Exr "Window region" and the RoD from the Exr "Data Window". The resize node should divide by 2 the RoW and RoD. And the writer should write the new Exr with those new regions. http://www.animplayer.com/online-help/preferences/34-openexr-window-rectangular-features.html
$ sam do r foo.png // viewer The reader should setup the RoW and RoD to the same value from the png size.
RoW properties: