Closed baktery closed 6 years ago
New ApiListener is great, very useful!
I know that 6.1 is WIP, but just to help if this info is useful, two issues I found:
# $Request = $Request |Select-Object -ExpandProperty result |Select-Object -ExpandProperty stats
writelog ([string]$ActiveMiners[$_.IdF].Process+','+[string]$ActiveMiners[$_.IdF].Process.HasExited+','+$GpuActivityAverage+','+$TimeSinceStartInterval) $logfile $false
Nicehash.ps1 --> I´m testing and no problem, get the wallet, and json returned by hicehash api sends all data in stats property.
core.ps1 --> Deleted, was testing line
New ApiListener is great, very useful!
I know that 6.1 is WIP, but just to help if this info is useful, two issues I found:
# $Request = $Request |Select-Object -ExpandProperty result |Select-Object -ExpandProperty stats
writelog ([string]$ActiveMiners[$_.IdF].Process+','+[string]$ActiveMiners[$_.IdF].Process.HasExited+','+$GpuActivityAverage+','+$TimeSinceStartInterval) $logfile $false