tuwien-cms / xprec

Full quadruple precision (double-double) data type for numpy
MIT License
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np.sum(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble) - too slow #19

Open Serge3leo opened 2 months ago

Serge3leo commented 2 months ago

Configuration: xprec-1.4.2 on Intel macOS Sonoma Benchmark:

  1. Add ndarray[ddouble] + ndarray[float64];
  2. Add in-place ndarray[ddouble] += ndarray[float64];
  3. Sum of elements ndarray[float64] as ddouble
  4. Compare with CPython implementation Neumaier-Babuška-Kahan
In [3]: import os
   ...: import numpy as np
   ...: import xprec
   ...: print(os.getpid())
   ...: a=np.random.uniform(size=10_000_000)
   ...: x=np.asarray(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)**2
   ...: %timeit x+a
   ...: %timeit exec("x+=a")
   ...: %timeit np.sum(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)
   ...: atl = a.tolist()
   ...: np.sum(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)
   ...: %timeit sum(atl)
56.2 ms ± 892 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
31.1 ms ± 179 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
129 ms ± 97 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
108 ms ± 126 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

The profiler shows u_added() as a problem.

For an experiment to evaluate possible performance improvements, I made the following changes:

diff --git a/csrc/_dd_ufunc.c b/csrc/_dd_ufunc.c
index 7acdf4f..477bb45 100644
--- a/csrc/_dd_ufunc.c
+++ b/csrc/_dd_ufunc.c
@@ -777,7 +777,75 @@ static int register_casts()
         MARK_UNUSED(data);                                              \

-ULOOP_BINARY(u_addwd, addwd, ddouble, ddouble, double)
+//ULOOP_BINARY(u_addwd, addwd, ddouble, ddouble, double)
+    static void u_addwd(char **args, const npy_intp *dimensions,
+                          const npy_intp* steps, void *data)
+    {
+        const npy_intp n = dimensions[0];
+        const npy_intp as = steps[0] / sizeof(ddouble),
+                       bs = steps[1] / sizeof(double),
+                       os = steps[2] / sizeof(ddouble);
+        const ddouble *a = (const ddouble *)args[0];
+        const double *b = (const double *)args[1];
+        ddouble *out = (ddouble *)args[2];
+       npy_intp i;
+       ddouble out_a[8];
+       if(os == 0 && as == 0 && out == a) {
+           out_a[0] = *out;
+           out_a[1].hi = 0.; out_a[1].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[2].hi = 0.; out_a[2].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[3].hi = 0.; out_a[3].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[4].hi = 0.; out_a[4].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[5].hi = 0.; out_a[5].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[6].hi = 0.; out_a[6].lo = 0.;
+           out_a[7].hi = 0.; out_a[7].lo = 0.;
+           for (i = 0; i+7 < n; i += 8) {
+               out_a[0] = addwd(out_a[0], b[(i+0) * bs]);
+               out_a[1] = addwd(out_a[1], b[(i+1) * bs]);
+               out_a[2] = addwd(out_a[2], b[(i+2) * bs]);
+               out_a[3] = addwd(out_a[3], b[(i+3) * bs]);
+               out_a[4] = addwd(out_a[4], b[(i+4) * bs]);
+               out_a[5] = addwd(out_a[5], b[(i+5) * bs]);
+               out_a[6] = addwd(out_a[6], b[(i+6) * bs]);
+               out_a[7] = addwd(out_a[7], b[(i+7) * bs]);
+           }
+           out_a[0] = addww(out_a[0], out_a[1]);
+           out_a[2] = addww(out_a[2], out_a[3]);
+           out_a[4] = addww(out_a[4], out_a[5]);
+           out_a[6] = addww(out_a[6], out_a[7]);
+           out_a[0] = addww(out_a[0], out_a[2]);
+           out_a[4] = addww(out_a[4], out_a[6]);
+           out_a[0] = addww(out_a[0], out_a[4]);
+           for (; i < n; ++i) {
+               out_a[0] = addwd(out_a[0], b[i * bs]);
+           }
+           *out = out_a[0];
+           return;
+       }
+        for (i = 0; i+7 < n; i += 8) {
+            out_a[0] = addwd(a[(i+0) * as], b[(i+0) * bs]);
+            out_a[1] = addwd(a[(i+1) * as], b[(i+1) * bs]);
+            out_a[2] = addwd(a[(i+2) * as], b[(i+2) * bs]);
+            out_a[3] = addwd(a[(i+3) * as], b[(i+3) * bs]);
+            out_a[4] = addwd(a[(i+4) * as], b[(i+4) * bs]);
+            out_a[5] = addwd(a[(i+5) * as], b[(i+5) * bs]);
+            out_a[6] = addwd(a[(i+6) * as], b[(i+6) * bs]);
+            out_a[7] = addwd(a[(i+7) * as], b[(i+7) * bs]);
+            out[(i+0) * os] = out_a[0];
+            out[(i+1) * os] = out_a[1];
+            out[(i+2) * os] = out_a[2];
+            out[(i+3) * os] = out_a[3];
+            out[(i+4) * os] = out_a[4];
+            out[(i+5) * os] = out_a[5];
+            out[(i+6) * os] = out_a[6];
+            out[(i+7) * os] = out_a[7];
+        }
+        for (; i < n; ++i) {
+            out[i * os] = addwd(a[i * as], b[i * bs]);
+        }
+        MARK_UNUSED(data);
+    }
 ULOOP_BINARY(u_subwd, subwd, ddouble, ddouble, double)
 ULOOP_BINARY(u_mulwd, mulwd, ddouble, ddouble, double)
 ULOOP_BINARY(u_divwd, divwd, ddouble, ddouble, double)

Preliminary assessment of the change

In [5]: import os
   ...: import numpy as np
   ...: import xprec
   ...: print(os.getpid())
   ...: a=np.random.uniform(size=10_000_000)
   ...: x=np.asarray(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)**2
   ...: %timeit x+a
   ...: %timeit exec("x+=a")
   ...: %timeit np.sum(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)
   ...: atl = a.tolist()
   ...: np.sum(a, dtype=xprec.ddouble)
   ...: %timeit sum(atl)
56.2 ms ± 265 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
32.1 ms ± 211 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
17.1 ms ± 21.7 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
108 ms ± 94.8 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

What do you think about this problem and possible changes?

mwallerb commented 2 months ago

Hi @Serge3leo ,

thanks for the bug report! If I understand your proposed changes correctly, then you have:

  1. manually unrolled the loops for the ufunc; and
  2. specialized the code for the case where we reduce, i.e., have os=0, where you first bin the results and then reduce them in a second step.

The speed improvements are certainly impressive! I would conjecture that this is less because of the "unrolling" and instead because you are reducing the data dependency in the sum (so it can parallelize the whole thing). We could certainly add that special case!

Are you compiling this with some extra flags (say, -march=native)?