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FWF template change #174

Open DerekMolnar opened 3 months ago

DerekMolnar commented 3 months ago

Description Currently, our FWF template reproduces the complete FWF template, which consists of the title, a short introduction, detailed guidance (table 1), and the actual template (table 2). This can confuse users as they don't immediately (or not at all, as happened today) see their answers given in DAMAP.

Describe the solution you'd like See comment below from Christiane

Describe alternatives you've considered 1) Make a note on page 1 that the actual template is in part two of the export doc, starting on page 5; 2) Changing the order of the tables (maybe plus some information or even a table of contents on page 1); 3) Only show the cover page, line one of the title "FWF Data Management Plan (DMP)", and table 2 (without the "Template" header) in the export doc.

ChristianeStork commented 3 months ago

The solution I would like is alternative 3 plus this sentence in green between the title "FWF Data Management Plan (DMP)" and the table with our content: "This DMP follows the official FWF template. When revising this DMP, please check the guidance from FWF for more details: FWF DMP - Guidance and Template

ChristianeStork commented 4 days ago

Plus: Please check the page numbers of the FWF export doc.