Closed Mailaender closed 10 months ago
Hi @Mailaender ,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand the frustration this issue may be causing and we appreciate your efforts in providing detailed information.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the repeated entries in the sources.list. To help us investigate and resolve this matter, could you please reach out to our support team directly? You can do so by and our team will be more than happy to assist in gathering additional information and working towards a solution.
In the meantime, we'll also internally review the code for any potential causes of this behavior. If there's anything else you'd like to add or discuss, please feel free to let us know. We're here to help!
Best regards, Maximilian Arnold
Hello @Mailaender ,
is it possible that you are using a very old version? Please check with:
dpkg -l tuxedo-tomte
Our most recent version is 2.18.1
Please update if your version is older e.g. with:
sudo apt install tuxedo-tomte
Please let me know whether that fixes your problem.
Best regards, E. Mohr
I am using Tuxedo OS 2. The Tomte version is 2.18.1 as it is installed via update sites. I also think its constant updates are what causes this. I already complained about this via your support, which seems to have forwarded nothing. Others have also been reporting this Tuxedo OS intermittent update errors (5 months ago) or TUXEDO OS and 3rd party repositories (9 months ago) so don't act surprised or tell me this is my fault. Just fix it!
We're not pretending to be surprised and our support of course forwarded all your requests. As a result you can see several new versions and also fixes for this problem. At the moment we are not able to reproduce your problem, but we are taking your problem seriously and we are working on it.
One thing you could try is to delete and recreate the sources.list file:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo tomte reconfigure all
That should recreate the file with the correct entries. Please check it with:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
If you get, e.g. after a reboot, additional entries into that file, then you might have some other program putting entries into it after Tomte. It is kind of a wild guess but I hope I am right so we can narrow the problem down as it is as well in my interest that your system works as designed.
Best regards, E. Mohr
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo tomte reconfigure all
Are you sure you want to remove this module? (y/n) y
remove package tuxedo-keyboard
The module tuxedo-keyboard has been removed. Please block it with:
$ sudo tomte block tuxedo-keyboard
unless you set the mode DONT_CONFIGURE or UPDATE_ONLY
or tomte will reinstall it again at the next start
The following modules have been installed successfully:
- tuxedo-mirrors: Fügt von TUXEDO gewartete Ubuntu-Repositories hinzu
Nothing was done for the following modules:
- tuxedo-dgpu-run: Befehlszeilentool und KDE-Kontextmenüeinträge zum Ausführen von Programmen auf der dGPU im On-Demand-Modus
- nvidia-driver: Erforderliche Nvidia-Treiber
- cracklib-runtime: Erstellt Passwortwörterbuchdatenbanken
- linux-tuxedo-22.04: Auswahl, Installation und Bereinigung von TUXEDO-Linux-Kernels
- tuxedo-drivers: Treiber für mehrere Plattformgeräte für TUXEDO-Notebooks
- tuxedo-control-center: TUXEDO Control Center-Anwendung
- tuxedo-repos: Voraussetzung! Fügt die TUXEDO-Repositories hinzu
The following modules have been removed:
- tuxedo-keyboard: Treiber für Tastatur & Tastaturbeleuchtung für TUXEDO-Notebooks
Please restart the system for the changes to take effect
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# Added by TUXEDO Tomte
deb jammy main restricted universe multiverse
# Added by TUXEDO Tomte
deb jammy-security main restricted universe multiverse
# Added by TUXEDO Tomte
deb jammy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
I have several backup files of the auto-generated sources.list
/etc/apt$ ls
apt.conf.d preferences sources.list_20220824224029.bak sources.list_20231005212433.bak sources.list_20231204181946.bak trusted.gpg
auth.conf.d preferences.d sources.list_20230327185837.bak sources.list_20231114105149.bak sources.list.d trusted.gpg~
keyrings sources.list sources.list_20230404184446.bak sources.list_20231126153713.bak trusted.gpg.d
My system has more thirdparty repositories, although all tools use the sub-folder with each own files. Also note that tuxedo uses that approach as well:
/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ ls
adoptium.list libreoffice-ubuntu-ppa-jammy.list nordvpn.list tuxedo-computers.list_20220824224027.bak slack.list tuxedo-computers.list_20230327185910.bak tuxedoos-extra.list
chrome-remote-desktop.list microsoft-prod.list spotify.list tuxedo-computers.list_20230404184506.bak tuxedo-os.list
docker.list tuxedo-computers.list_20230605192030.bak tuxedo-plasma.list
element-io.list mono-official-stable.list steam-beta.list.bak tuxedo-computers.list_20231005212515.bak vscode.list tuxedo-computers.list_20231022150801.bak
google-chrome.list nodesource.list steam-steam.list.bak tuxedo-computers.list_20231114105222.bak zotero.list tuxedo-computers.list tuxedo-computers.list_20231126153805.bak
and it shows the same problem of just appending instead of overwriting or replacing in tuxedo-computers.list
deb jammy main
deb jammy main
deb jammy main
The file ending pattern indicates to me that your code is causing the problem
The backup files are being created every time a change has been made in the original file. It does not make sense in your case, but it is for security, we don't want the user to loose some configuration he might have written into some file.
I still can't reproduce your problem. On my side, Tomte cleans up the files and inserts the proper entries. There might be some strange characters in your files we have not included in our regular expressions. Sorry for that but it is hard to include all possible eventuallities in code.
In short, in your case I would just remove the file with the problem, same as with sources.list just delete it and let Tomte recreate it with the proper entries:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tuxedo-computers.list
sudo tomte reconfigure all
and you should be set.
Additionally you might want to delete the superfluous backup files:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tuxedo-computers.list_*.bak
should do the task. In the same way you might want to delete the sources.list backup files.
Answering another question you had above, ... the sources.list file is not under sources.list.d because it is the main repository file for the system. All basic and most important needed packages for your system and other Ubuntu flavours are located in there.
Just FYI, the message about removal of tuxedo-keyboard is perfectly ok. The package has been replaced this week by tuxedo-drivers which is the new way we are delivering certain drivers for your system.
I hope I could help you,
Best regards, E. Mohr
My fix was to manually clean the main distribution files. I had to do it twice because tomte kept re-adding its variant, but then it stopped. So far, the issue did not re-appear. The main problem is with people who don't use sudo apt update/upgrade
on the command line and don't see the warning about duplicate entries which slow down apt
and get a mediocre experience from Tuxedo OS. I thought this was a quick and easy fix for you.
Same problem.
deb jammy main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src jammy main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src jammy-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src jammy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy-updates main restricted universe multiverse
Good morning @bedfojo,
the problem in this case is quite simple to solve: We are adding a string with "/ubuntu" in the end and our regex checks for this particular lines. Since Tomte doesn't find this line, since there is just "/ubuntu/", it adds a new one.
As commented, you have software-properties installed and running. It is not recommended to use different applications to edit sources.list.
I would suggest to deactivate "tuxedo-mirrors" in the Tuxedo Control Center and delete the three additionally added lines.
This way Tomte ignores the entries and software-properties can do whatever it wants with sources.list
Best wishes
Maximilian Arnold (I'll close the issue now)
Tomte appends the
withon every update. I had 4 entries and this makes
apt upgrade
package list loading very slow plus it spams[...]
It also adds with and without trailing slash for the URL and trailing spaces:
deb jammy main restricted universe multiverse
deb jammy main restricted universe multiverse
Maybe that helps narrow down the problem.