tuxis-ie / nsedit

DNS Editor working with PowerDNS's new API
GNU General Public License v2.0
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How to install? #187

Open Nurlan199206 opened 6 years ago

Nurlan199206 commented 6 years ago

How to install? Poor documentation didnt help.

We have issues getting the authdb working: Exception: Unable to open database: unable to open database file in /var/www/html/nsedit/includes/misc.inc.php:65 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/nsedit/includes/misc.inc.php(65): SQLite3->__construct('../etc/pdns.use...', 6) #1 /var/www/html/nsedit/includes/session.inc.php(4): include_once('/var/www/html/n...') #2 /var/www/html/nsedit/index.php(4): include_once('/var/www/html/n...') #3 {main}

my pdns.conf

$apipass = 'test';           # The PowerDNS API-key
$apiip   = '';           # The IP of the PowerDNS API
$apiport = '8081';       # The port of the PowerDNS API
$apiproto      = 'http'; # http | https
$apisslverify  = FALSE;  # Verify SSL Certificate if using https for apiproto
$allowzoneadd  = FALSE;  # Allow normal users to add zones
$logging = TRUE;
$allowclearlogs = TRUE;  # Allow clearing of log entries
$allowrotatelogs = FALSE;# Allow rotation to text file on server
Nurlan199206 commented 6 years ago

any help?

i'm installed, but default admin/admin not working Error while trying to authenticate you

righter83 commented 6 years ago

Where is your "$authdb" in the config.inc.php. With this option you can define where the authdb is stored.

UlasSAYGINIM commented 4 years ago

hi , i encountered same problem. when i looked var_dump($userinfo); it shows bool(false) ; at do_db_auth function. somehow , psql lite file created but admin account was not added. i dont know how it can be reproduce.

UlasSAYGINIM commented 4 years ago

I think it is related to php extension openssl compilation. I firstly started nsedit without openssl support for php. it warned me than i installed and restart all services nginx php and then i t showed no warning, then i try to login and it showed error message.

all i have to do rm -rf pdns.users.sqlite3 file then visit nsedit url then it started login without problem.

i think if there is no openssl support it does not create admin account in sqlite file but it creates empty database without account.